Chapter 11: Green and Blue

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Author's Note: Hello, everyone! This is the eleventh chapter and wow, I can't believe it. I know the story has a slow pacing because I don't want to rush the story too much and because I'm having a hard time figuring out how the characters would interact with each other without making a major OC. But anyways, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I still do not own Game of Thrones

Long Live the Boy-King

Chapter Eleven: Green and Blue

Edvige's Point of View

"It would be a perfect arrangement. This is what we both want for her, isn't it?" Ferardo's voice echoed at the back of my mind as the image of him desperately urging me to speak to Corabella flashed in my eyes. My husband told me about his encounter with Lord Rosby and how he suggested for our houses to join. I was delighted at his proposal but I don't know how I will break the news to Corabella. She will not be glad about it and will definitely rebel against us again. I like Lorcan and I think he will be the perfect husband for Corabella. Joining houses with the Rosbys would be an honor. I know my daughter would be in safe hands.

I am not sure, however, if the boy would be. I've seen my daughter fight and even I can't believe how strong and fierce she is. When I look at her, all I see is a little girl who likes poetry and reading. But when she's in a duel, she transforms into something so dangerous and beasty. When she holds a blade, she's no longer Lady Corabella, no. She becomes far greater than a Lady. And I worry for her.

She's still so young, so innocent, and I'm afraid that if she doesn't find a suitable husband, it might be too late. I don't want her to live the rest of her life with blades for companion. I want her to be happy in the arms of someone who will love her and care for her. I want her to have as many children as she could have and laugh as she watches them play and grow up. When old age nears her, I want her to look back into the past and not regret anything. I want her to have a happy life like me.

But I fear that all my plans for her would be foiled. Sometimes I regret when Ferardo first introduced her to combat. She grew fascinated. Now, all she thinks is fighting and duels and things that she wouldn't have known if I didn't let her hold a dagger. I feel guilty for feeling that because I know she is more than glad when she fights. She forgets all her insecurities. Oh, Corabella. Why must you be so complicated?

I promised my husband that I will talk to Corabella. I promised that I will try to convince her to marry Lorcan or just get close to him. But I don't want to upset her too much. Perhaps, it can wait. For now, I will try to drop subtle hints of my intentions to her. Better yet, I'll try to just talk to her and understand her views towards marriage or relationships. She is my daughter but I have to admit that I don't know her everything that's going on in that mind of hers.

"Do you think I did well earlier? My poems have been growing duller," I heard her say as she slipped on her nightgown. I watched her adjust the clothing on her body as she stood in front of the mirror. "Mother?"

I smiled at her and breathed in before speaking. "Yes, you did well. Perhaps you are only lacking inspiration that's why you think that your words are becoming dull," I started. She turned to me attentively. "You should be making friends around here, you know. So that you could share your thoughts with someone or find inspiration in them."

She chortled as she made her way to one of the stools. She picked up her comb and started brushing her hair in the front, ridding it of all the tangles her waves have acquired all day. "I have friends, Mother. I think,"

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