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Faster. Run Faster. Side to side on the court. Blocking, Defending, Attacking. Harder. Hit the ball harder. Fly into the air and hit the ball so hard it catches on fire, burning holes into the ground. More. Do more, play more. Maybe if I do more I won't have to be hurt. I won't have to be so—perfect.


"LEO. LEO. LEO. LEO." Our fans chant and cheer for us. We're up by 12 but in the game of volleyball anything can happen and I must stay focused. I stare holes into the opponents across from me.

Demitri is up to serve. The crowd goes silent as he spins the ball in the palm of his hand. The sound of his hand  and the ball mimics a cracked whip as he sends a jump serve over the net. The game is in motion.

Pass, set, hit. The ball is recovered. Demitri passes the ball to Andy, Andy sets to me and I fly into the air—sending the ball hurling through the gap of hands and smashing into the center of the court. Leaving a mark.

The gym erupts into screams. We continue this until we need the last point to win. Coach signals us to do the play 'flake'. I serve the ball over, careful not to use all my strength, and put the game into play.

Pass, set, attack. The ball is recovered by a dive from Royal. Here we go. Andy sets the ball and the whole front row runs and jumps up swinging through to the left. What they didn't pay attention to was the ball being set back to the right corner of the back row.

Cassian sends the ball over the net. Everything is moving almost in slow motion. The libero on the other side slowly connects the dots and dives for the ball—but he falls short. The ball lands in the far corner of the court.

The team runs and picks cassian up as gold confetti pours down from the ceiling. I forgot this was the last game. Basketball here I come. I turn to head to the locker room when I see him. Head to toe in the same black as usual. This makes him stand out from the color filled crowd in a way. A single boat in the vast ocean.

I go to him. Pushing past the team, moving through the crowd, throwing 'thank you' over my shoulder to people. I jog up the stairs and stand near him. "You came" I say and he emits a small smile. "I figured everyone would save me a seat so" Sea jokes and I grin. My Father walks up but stands a good distance away from Sea. "Your Dad and I are headed back now. Don't forget you start your new training tomorrow so don't be out any later than 2am." He says in a cold voice and walks off.

Sea visibility shivers at his tone and hops up from where he's seated. "Well, I should be starting home now," he says looking down at his shoes with his hands behind his back. "Yeah me too, let me know when you want to start working on the project since you probably couldn't get much out of one game."  I say and he nods.

"Actually...are you busy at all tonight?" I ask and he looks at me like I have three heads. "I know a place where we can go and talk without people being so judgmental towards you," I continue and he looks kind on the fence about it. "Don't worry about it too much, Just let me know okay." I say and walk away to the locker rooms.


"NOT A DATE WITH THE FAMOUS BOY FROM THE FAMOUS FAMILY! I thought you hated him," Nina cackles at me and I grow frustrated. "I asked you for help not jokes damnit, should I go or not, what if he kidnaps me!" I stress, pulling at my hair. "Did you forget you can't touch people and they can't touch you either?" She says and I stare at her...I forgot about that. "Well then I'll go...and I do hate him, his perfect family, perfect life. He's never once felt pain or been hurt. He will never know what it's like to be alone. I absolutely loathe him," I say and pick out a sweater.

I should switch it up right? I go to the closet and shuffle through my clothes. Black. Black. Black. Black. Ooo black and yellow let's shake it up a little. My phone dings from my bed and Nina dives on top of it before I can get there.
"Your boy toy said what time will you be ready?" She snickers and I roll my eyes. "Eight" I say and she texts him back and sends the address.

What have I gotten myself into?

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