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I walk through the halls nervously, looking over my shoulder every few moments, eavesdropping on the chatter about Elara. On her phone were messages between a person over a substance but nothing was ever found in her system and they couldn't track the number. There were also searches in the phone of how to undo pipelines.

I smile to myself, no one will believe her if she says anything. Once I get the drugs to more people, they'll take them and be controlled by me. I hold the powers of the whole world in my hands, all from a single pill. I think I'll call it...'The ability'.


I get to class and sit down on the far side of the room. I need to lay low today, ripping and running around is not for me. Elara walks in and sits down in the front. Her usual bright persona and flowers to match, aren't there anymore. She looks like she hasn't slept for days.

I look away from her when the bell rings, staring out the classroom window. The once luminous clouds now ominous ones, corrupting the pristine portion of the sky. Maybe they're at war. Ripping each other apart, the thunder being the sounds of guns and cannons, the cracks of light being the screams, while the rain...is the blood shed.

But who are we to say the dark clouds are the bad ones, just because they fight to be seen in the sky as well. I say it's the sun's fault. Only wanting the dark clouds in hiding because they refuse to be controlled. They don't let the sun be seen-

"Nina?" Mr. Coeus says getting my attention, making me snap my head away from the window. "42?" I say and he looks at me as if I'm brainless. "This is history class." He says shaking his head disapprovingly. "Does anyone else know the answer?" He says walking away from me, voice fading out as I zone out again.

I need to find someone to help me with this overload of work I'm doing, But who's smart enough to create things as complex as thi- IRIS!


I grab my bag and sling it across my back, running out the classroom and into the hallway. I stare at the AP Trigonometry room door that I see her come out of daily. The door flies open and out comes the tall dark skin beauty that is Iris.

I stalk over to her and she starts walking faster. I catch up only just enough. "You can't avoid me forever Ris." I say smugly and she scoffs, "watch me." She says and makes a sharp right turn down another hallway.

I run behind her, pushing through people, not bothering to say sorry. I catch up again and grab her arm, pulling her into the bathroom. "What! Why are you bothering me Nina?" She says clearly aggravated by my appearance.

"I need your help with something." I admit to her with a shy smile. I go on to explain to her what exactly it is I need help with and I end up getting slapped.

"Are you out of your fucking mind!" She screams and someone walks into the bathroom. We all make eye contact as the girl walks into the bathroom stall. "I'm not helping you commit a crime dumbass!" She whisper yells and I grab both of her hands.

"Ris, you're the smartest person I know, The only person that could handle this type of stuff and not fuck it up for the both of us." I whisper back to her and she smiles. Then she forces her hands out of mine and slaps me again. "I refuse to let you ruin my life again!" She says walking towards the door.

"You didn't say that to Hermes, or should I say our Principal." I say taking out an envelope and throwing it on the ground behind her. She pauses at the door and turns around slowly. "What's that?" She says, her voice trembling. I smile sweetly. "How bout we open it together." I say and she bends down to pick up the envelope.

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