What it all comes down to

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*Mentions of sexual assault*⚠️


I've separated my DNA and seen what it's make up is. I've tested and gotten its healing mutation. Problem is it won't stick. By stick I mean stick to anything I try to mix it with to be a form of medication. No powder, no liquid, nothing!

Iris and I are standing at the work desk now. Drop upon achingly anxious drop into the beaker. "So, when formed the mixture will release NH3 and form into a powdered substance." She says putting yet another drop into the glass beaker and writing it down. "Yes, but I can't fucking fathom why this isn't working!" I say throwing my hands up.

As I throw my tantrum, the mixture in the beaker slowly swells and bubbles over the top, meaning the test, yet again, failed. I let out a frustrated sign and take off my goggles, throwing them down on the desk and plopping myself down into a chair.

"You know, when you told me you wanted my help putting drugs on the market you didn't tell me you wanted to make a cure for all things." She says walking over with my intro notes to the experiments.
"Where's the fun in that?" I say smugly and she scoffs. "Could've saved you getting slapped and having to blackmail me with photos." She says with a hand on her hip.

I sit back in the chair and put my arms behind my head. "I'm toxic." I say with a sickly sweet smile and we both laugh.

"Very." She says going over to the whiteboard, going over what could've went wrong. "6 turns to 3...cross over the genes...translate...oh shit." She says rushing over to the lab bench and quickly mixing things together. "What happened, what's going on?" I say getting up quickly.

She says nothing to me as she fills the pipette with the mutation and drops what looks like 23 drops into the new beaker. The contents of the beaker swell and let go of a colorless gas. I step forward with my eyes wide as it continues to bubble up. Iris picks up the mixture and swirls it around. When she does so the liquid turns to powder.

I scream and jump up and down, holding onto Iris. I plant a few quick kisses to the side of her face and she groans pushing me off. "Iris you fucking genius! What went wrong?" I say taking the mixture from her and dancing with it.

"Just some numbers in the wrong spot, we were reading it upside down basically." She says with a shrug. I walk over to the clear workbench in the far corner and set down the powder, getting out the capsule filler.

Twenty minutes later I'm putting the lid on a bottle of 40 pills. My first bottle of the perfect creation. Something that could change the world.

For the better.


We're on the way to kill a man. A god. The god of all gods. Zeus. Who happens to to be Andreas's grandfather...who does more than fucked up things to people.

The car is completely silent. Andreas hasn't spoken since we made the plan this morning. The drive was about two hours and my head hasn't stopped spinning. I don't have a good feeling about this at all.

But because of what he did and does, this has to be done. The car stops and I see that we're there. My body feels...prickly. I go to take my seatbelt off but a hand stops me.

Andreas looks deep within my eyes, almost if he was trying to read what my brain was thinking. "Are you sure about this? It doesn't have to include you in anyway if you don't want. You can stay in the car." He says, bringing my hand to his lips.

I think for a second.

This can go one of three ways. We kill him and no one finds out. We kill him and get executed. We die trying to kill him. My hands are shaking right now, but this isn't about me. I nod my head.

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