Locked away

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This is the story of how I die. It's a funny story really but kind of not funny at all. The water rushes under the door filling up the closet at a fast pace. There's nowhere left for me to run. My screams are no longer screams but low cries. My bloodied fist never stop pounding on the door. No one hears me. No one's coming. How did I get here?


Ms. G leads us down several flights of stairs trying to keep everyone calm. We get to the second floor and there's complete chaos. Someone is blocking off the second floor staircase, Underclass men are screaming at the top of their lungs, paper and other objects are floating through the now knee high water and some kid is holding a mop from the janitor's closet.

Ms. G looks around for another possible exit but there's no use. We're stuck. Or so I thought.

"Sea come this way." Andreas whispers, pointing down to the end of the hallway. We quietly back off from the crowded hall and down the other, splashing and kicking up water. "There's a stairwell down this way, I don't know how no one though of it." He says reaching for the doorknob and twisting but it doesn't budge. That's why.

He takes a step back and charges at the door, taking it down. We run through the doorway and down the stairs before anyone notices us. The first floor a little less chaotic with the bottom floor students standing outside already. We trudge through the water to the door. We finally reach it and hear a scream. Andreas and I look at each other and back to the end of the hall.

Another scream.

Andreas runs through the water towards the screams. "Get the others from upstairs and lead them outside. Stay outside no matter what happens, don't come back for me!" He says and turns down a hallway. Born to be a hero I see.

I push a trash can that was nearby into the doorway, holding it open, and the water quickly pours outside the opening. I rush back up the stairs and into the second hall floor. It's even more crowded than I last saw it. People pushing and shoving their way down the stairs, starting fights.

Do I yell and have everyone pushing to get this way or should I gather small groups of people and lead them down? Yeah there's no question there. I slosh down the hall to Ms. G and the students that are still with her and I whisper to her about the stairs. Little by little I did that, waiting 10 seconds in between, and the hall was a little less chaotic. I look out the window and see everyone making it outside.

"LOOK THE STAIRCASE IS OPEN!" Andrew screams, drawing attention to where he was running. Shit. A slew of people start running past me and down the stairs. A book bag bumps me and I tumble back falling into the janitors closet, hitting my head on the shelf. Holding my head in my hands, I get up and stumble towards the door but it slams closed before I get there.

I turn the knob and push but the door doesn't open. It's locked. I start screaming and banging on the closet door but to my horror I hear a door in the distance close. The only door that was open was this one— and the double doors downstairs.

I look around for something to open the door with. Cleaning chemicals, mops and brooms, janitor's cart. I grab the cart and brace myself. Running at full speed, I push the cart into the door but I fly back instantly and the door doesn't move.

I try it again and again but it doesn't work. "Im doing more damage to my fucking self." I say aloud kicking a jug of something over. I pull my hair back and look down. The water is waist high and rising as more water pours into the closet. I have to get out of here soon.

I try everything, from trying to break off the doorknob , to pouring different combined chemicals on the handle. I climbed the shelf to get away from the water but it wasn't sturdy. Nothing worked. I slam my fists onto the door and cry silently. There's nowhere to go. This is how I die

With tears sliding down my face and my head still pressed to the door, I start to sing. my voice breaking with the words.

"Track suits and red wine, movies for two.
We'll take off our phones and we'll turn off our shoes. We'll play Nintendo, though I always lose. Cause you'll watch the tv, while I'm watching you.

There's not many people, I'd honestly say, I don't mind losing to, but there's nothing, like doing nothing, with you."

By the time I stop singing the water is up past my ears. I stand on the tips of my shoes and look up, saying my last goodbyes as the water goes over my head.

I guess that's the story of how I die.

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