Experiment 15

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"Doll we're going to be late for school, hurry out the bathroom!" My mom says and I quickly untie the band from my arm. I discard the needle in a sharps container and look at myself in the mirror. My pupils are blown. "let's go!" Says mama which makes me jump out of my trance. I heal my arm and leave out the bathroom.


We get to school and I say goodbye to my mom saying I'll see her later. I feel like I'm practically floating to class, I should do this way more often. "Hey Nina." Sea says when I sit down beside him. "Why so down my love? Date didn't go well?" I ask him and he sighs telling me what happened.

"This is why I tell you not to judge others, we don't know what people are going through and anything we say, even if it's small, could break someone down." I say softly.

Sometimes Sea judges people before he even gets to know them. "What do I do Nina?" He asks slumping down in his desk. "Apologize..obviously. Life is like...swimming! Some of us are scared of it, some of us don't care for it, and some of us find joy in it, but all of us are just trying not to drown." I say and the teacher comes in.

I check the clock on the wall again. 10 minutes left in this class. It's so hot in here. I chug my water bottle until it's gone but I can't escape this thirst. I can't..move my arms. Why can't I move my arms? A bead of sweat rolls down from my damp hair to my chin. What's going on?

The bell rings and everyone gets up to leave out the room. I drag myself out the desk and stumble to the next class. This time I sit in front of the vent. I pull another water out my bag and down it in one go. I'm fine.

~Two classes later~

I think I'm going to vomit. I stare at the tray in front of me and cringe. I pick up the brown and green slop on the spoon and it falls off due to being soupy.

Bile comes up from my stomach to my throat and I take off in a sprint to the bathroom. I'm glad Sea had a test to do during lunch, I hate making him worry.

I hack up my breakfast and water then slump back against the stall door. Someone comes into the bathroom and I pull myself off the floor. I flush the toilet and go to rinse my mouth out. "Good heavens! Nina you look terrible, are you okay?" I ignore her and continue rinsing.

"Really Nina you should go to the nurse-," she starts and I slam my hands down onto the counter. "Fuck off Malibu Barbie!" I spit at her and she runs out the bathroom sobbing. Damnit Nina, she was trying to be nice. Why did I do that?

I need to heal myself.

I take deep breaths and start to heal myself inside and out. It's a lot cooler now. My stomach doesn't hurt. My arms feel so much lighter. I leave the bathroom and get my book bag which contains another shirt.

I write down what all happened today in my journal and look at myself in the mirror. I guess I'll try a new drug tomorrow.

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