Right: pt. 1

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⚠️ mentions of blood and sexual content

I can't help but feel like something is right, But...isn't that wrong? That statement alone was wrong. But— was it wrong because it sounded wrong? Was it wrong because it's always the opposite? Why does it always have to be the opposite. Why is there always something wrong?! For once I feel like something is right and that in itself feels...wrong...


We get out the car, closing the doors softly and coming together on the passenger side. We all crouch down beside the car and look over at the warehouse. "Are you sure this is the right place?" I whisper to Iris to which she nods her head sharply. "It better be! I'll kill him if it's not." She whispers back, slamming a fist down onto her open palm.

Iris had the luxury of texting people from school and asking if they had seen A.J. at all, and while we were quickly running out of options, one guy said he had.


Jamie Jude. Son of Artemis Jude. Artemis. Twin sister to Apollo. Apollo Jude. A.J.s father. Jamie is A.J.s cousin.

"He said he saw him walking into this building the other day while riding home, said he was carrying boxes of something. So either this is it, or he's a liar, and I'll kill him if it's the latter." She whispers out quickly.

For starters, we shouldn't believe him in the first place. This is a very back and forth situational topic that was discussed in the car on the way over here this morning.

My argument was clear or at least I thought. THIS IS HIS COUSIN! This man could know of everything that is going on and could be leading us into nothing but danger, we can't trust him.

And what you're probably thinking is the counter argument that Nina made. If that is the logical point we should go by, then you can't trust me either. Ha! Fair...fair.

Another point Nina made was the fact that we have nothing else to go by and Jamie does live close to A.J. Which would mean he is more likely to be telling the truth without knowing his intentions.

So now we'll be proceeding with caution...into this warehouse...where we don't know what's inside.

And before you say it. No. I don't have a better idea.

"I didn't hear half of what you just said"


"You were whispering too fast!"

As they bicker, I look over to Sea who has a pained expression on his face. He places his hand on my knee and leans on me slightly for support.

"What's wrong moró?" I whisper after leaning closer to him, to not alarm the others. I watch as a blush creeps up his neck and spreads across his face, staining it pink like dye.

He turns his face away from me more, staring off into the distance of leaves and trees as if they were the most interesting thing ever.

"My back hurts..." He says finally. Considering this is my fault, I tell him to stand and I rub his lower back, after making sure we're covered behind the trees, gently rolling my hands over the skin and applying pressure with my thumbs. He sighs out with content and leans his head back into my chest.

My mind slowly floats back to last night. To the reason his back hurts in the first place.

                                -Last night-

An hour and a half later...

We got off the phone with Nina after reexplaining A.J.s plan multiple times. I tell her all the places in which he sold the pills and who to in our close proximity. She also told me to expect something from her when we all meet up to find Cassian. Not good, but deserving.

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