Bound: pt.1

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I gasp in a deep breath of air when I'm startled awake. My eyes open wide but they quickly close due to the stinging bright lights in the room. I look around the unfamiliar place with partially open eyes but oddly the only thing I can see is me.

My body is strung up from the ceiling by shackles that turn my hands blue and purple. The tips of my toes are barely touching the ground. I stare deeper at my reflection while my eyes start to register more and more of how serious this situation really is.

The cold air circulating through the room, along with my now clearing vision, lets me know that I have no clothes on my body. The front of my body is marked with angry red cuts that have dried blood lining them.

My face is beaten, the skin around my eye turning yellow and purple with a fresh bruise, along with a busted lip and dried blood from my head that previously ran down my face.

I can't see my back, but it throbs with a hot stinging pain, Something like the warm heartbeat of a widow, whenever I try to move to get a better look at things around me.

Memories of the events that caused this cinematically play back into my brain. They make me radiate with anger and frustration. I start to pull at the cuffs that detain me but they don't budge. I let out a throat tightening yell into the air that makes my ears ring and my throat go raw. My chapped lips sting, practically ripping apart as I continue to yell at the top of my lungs for someone, anyone, to help me. As time goes, my anger slowly turns to pain.

Hot tears stream down my face as I continue to scream at the top of my lungs, jumping and kicking at the cement floor that's stained with what I guess is my blood.


Why this? Why me?


Tap Tap Tap Tap. My foot hits the classroom floor impatiently while I stare up at the clock on the wall. Okay, Hour 12. 5, 10, 15 minutes. It's 12:15! As soon as my mind reveals the time on the clock, the bell sounds throughout the classroom and hallways.

I jump up from my seat, having already packed up all my things 10 minutes ago, and run out the classroom door to meet A.J.

Today is my lucky day. A.J. told me that he was taking me out on a date today, thing is, he didn't tell where. I walk down the long hall and downstairs to the front office to check myself out. Thank the gods for senior year. I walk past the double doors, slightly bouncing on my toes as I turn my head to look for A.J.

I look to the right to see him leaning against his sleek black car. Damn. I stop in my tracks to admire how good he looked today. He always looks so good, even in the plain white shirt and black pants he happens to be wearing. He turns his head and we make eye contact.

A smile appears on his face and he summons me over with a finger. I practically float over to him due to how fast I'm walking. When I get to him he pulls out a bouquet of flowers from behind his back and brings me to him by swinging an arm around my hips.

"My love." He whispers to me, pressing his head against mine. I'll never get used to this. This beautiful man, my beautiful life, my beautiful features. I deserve everything that's happening to me, can you say...Zeus' favorite?

He leans down further to kiss me. Our lips collide in what only can be described as Passion, Love, Desire, Lust, Want and Need.

To me, these are the 6 deadly sins of being happy in a relationship.

We pull apart and stare at one another, taking in everything that we could see on just the surface.

"How beautiful."

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