Love of my life

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"L-I-O-N-S, Lions go go go!" My head is pounding. I look over and see my dad cheering for me and my father, of course, judging my every move. I look down and see my restless reflection through the polished clip of the clipboard. Dark circles and red eyes with pale skin.

I throw my towel down and jog to stand where the referee is with the ball. He passes me the ball, to which I throw in to Marcus. I run towards the back while he points to everyone else, giving them signals to pass me the ball.

Marcus passes the ball to AJ to which he was supposed to give to me but instead he steps back and goes for a three pointer from the corner. Before he pulls for the three, he looks at me and winks, He thinks he'll make it but he's standing too far in the corner, meaning he'll miss.

AJ lets the ball go and everyone jumps in front of him in order to get it. I run through a hole between the players and get ready. The ball flies and hits the rim and bounces off, but I'm already here. I jump up and grab the ball, dunking it past the rim.

Screams and cheers sound as I land on the ground and take off towards the other side to defend. 30 seconds left on the clock. The other team passes the ball around us until the clock is at 10 seconds. The other team goes to pass the ball again and I catch their signal. I run through to swipe the ball and break up the pass.

I get the ball and see 4 seconds on the clock. Angel flashes through my mind, what happened to him, and who did it. My body heats up with anger and pain. I let it take over me and step back with the ball in one hand, then launch it forward, letting it go.

The ball soars through the air and connects with the glass, shattering it, and going into the net with a sharp swish. The buzzer sounds and the lights flicker as people shout and rush the court. I feel slaps and pats on my back as I go to exit the court.

"Good game." I say to myself mockingly. I'm almost to the locker room when I hear someone call my name. At first I ignore it and keep walking but they call again, making me whip my head around with aggravation. My face softens when my eyes land on Sea.

He jogs over and jumps into my arms. I swing him back and forth and eventually put him down. He clears his throat and scratches the back of his head. "Hey." He says awkwardly making me smile for the first time today. He's so cute. "Hey, you wanna come over tonight?" I ask him and he thinks for a second.

"Won't your parents be home? I'm sure you know I'm not too fond of you father." He says and I nod, "Me either. No, they won't be home, they're leaving tonight for some trip with the other Greeks." I say and he face palms himself. "That's right my dad is going to that too. Well, I guess I'll get some clothes and come over." He says and I do a small celebratory shimmy. "Wait here I'll be out soon." I tell him and walk into the locker room.

While I'm walking in AJ storms past me, bumping my shoulder. I almost turned around but I drop it and keep moving towards the locker room. He's been acting weird but I won't make it a bigger deal than what it might be.

Once I'm dressed and out of the locker room, I walk out and up to Sea. "Ready to go?" I say to which he says yes and we walk out of the gym and to the car. Or at least we were going to until we were my dad.

"My baby, my son, what a great game!" He says engulfing me into a hug and swinging me around. "Daaad." I groan partly because I couldn't breathe and the other because I know Sea is watching. He places me down and pinches my cheek. "Who might you be?" He asks looking down at Sea, making his eyes damn near pop out of his head.

I lean down and whisper in his ear that this is dad aka the nice one and not the son of a bitch that's sitting in the car and should be rotting somewhere instead. He stifles his laughter with his hand and clears his throat. "Hi, My name is Sea, son of Thanatos and Bellona." He says and sticks his hand out to my dad.

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