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The rake moves violently. Pulling, bending, and shaping the autumn red leaves into perfection. They're currently wet from the down pour of rain half an hour ago. "Cassian, honey, are you making poems about your hair again?" My mom asks walking past the bathroom with the laundry basket in her hands. "" I say but she knows when I'm lying. I put the rake I mean comb down and push past her, heading downstairs to breakfast.


I look at myself in my mirror once more, saying my affirmations. I close the locker and let out a horror movie scream when I come face to face with three wide smiles . I clear my throat and narrow my eyes at them. "To what do I owe the pleasure?" I say and they all start talking at once. "HEY hey one at a time!" I yell over them and they settle down.

"Sea and I need your help finding out why Elara caused a random act of violence against Sea in my behalf." Andreas says and I turn to Nina expectedly. "Oh I just tagged along, Sea here is my best friend and I don't want to kill anyone without knowing what I'm going to jail over." She says leaning against the lockers.

A healer that kills. What's next, someone calling me ugly? Yea right.

Snaps in front of my face bring me out my thoughts. " Can you help us Cass?" Andreas asks with pleading eyes. "Yes but only because I've sensed something going on as well, we'll talk at lunch." I say walking to first.

I place down my books beside my usual seat and sit down, waiting for class to start. Elara walks in with her preppy attitude and flower crown, leaving a trail of tulips behind her. What is she hiding.


I sit down in front of Sea at his lunch table. "Sea, tell me what's been going on." I say chewing my salad. He looks around to see if anyone is watching and then leans forward. "I've noticed that bad things only happen when she sees me and Andreas around each other." He says and I stop chewing.

Does she have a thing for Andreas? Is that why she's doing all this? "Sea, I need you and Andreas to act a little lovey dovey. I think these might be acts of jealousy from Elara because she wants Andreas all to herself." I say and his eyes go wide.

"What do you mean lovey dovey? Can't I just tell her I'm not interested?" Andreas asks and I shake my head at him. "No we need to know if this is the real reason first." I say picking up more salad.

"You never said what you meant by lovey dovey." Sea sputters, his eyes still wide. I roll my eyes and think for a second. "Like fake dating, you know? People still do that right? Go on dates, be at each other's house, walk together in public, that sort of thing." I say and Andreas spits out his Powerade.

"I can't, I mean I want to but, I don't think, it's not that there's anything wrong with Sea it's just, I-" he rambles on for at least 40 seconds before I hold up my hand. "It's the only way we can get to the bottom of this." I tell him and stand up to throw away the rest of my salad. "This starts today in 5th, let me see your best acting skills ladies!" I yell back at them leaving the lunch room.

I walk into fifth period and sit down near the front of the room. I turn around and give Andreas and Sea two thumbs up to give them a little more confidence and it seems to work. Andreas leans and wraps his arms around the back of Sea's desk chair, close but not touching him of course.

I smile and turn around to talk with Sofia. The bell rings and the class starts, the classroom loud with students talking, the topic being themselves or their abilities and parents. I jot down more things about Sofia and something, well more like someone, catches my attention.


She's tapping at her phone aggressively while looking in the back corner. She's looking at Sea and Andreas, but who is she texting? Her face lights up and she smirks. "Ms. G, my stomach is killing me, can I go to the nurse's office?" She says with a pained voice. Ms. G glances her over, not fully believing it, but letting her out anyway.

20 minutes later

Is it raining or some shit, my hair is getting wet with these wretched drops of water from the ceiling. Wait. Drops of water? Where is this coming from? "Ms. G, the ceiling above me is leaking and it's really fucking with my hair." I say mumbling that last bit. "Yeah, mine too." "And me!" I look around to see the ceiling raining drops of water all around us. Ms. G looks like she's seen a ghost or something.

"We need to exit the building quickly in a single line." She says cautiously, picking up her belongings. "Ms. G what's going on where is this water coming from?" I say in a panic picking up all my stuff along with everyone else. "Well my dear, above us is the main pipe to the whole school. This pipe is connected to all the water in the entire building of the school. This means if that pipe has burst like I believe it has—the whole school is going to flood." She says and I can't believe what I'm hearing.

How in the world did this happen. This school has been here for centuries. I try to think of what could've happened while walking out the room but something catches my eye. A single petal of a tulip in the small level of water in the hallway. Flower petals? Ponder to myself for a moment and a flash of this morning comes into my mind.


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