I'll be the judge

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Once upon a time, there was a story about a rock named Bellona. She was the leader of the rocks. She taught them how to fight against the monsters above, how to lead and trust no one but each other. All the rocks respected her power and the way she moved with grace. One day, Bellona was stolen from the water. Big hands dipping down and pulling her from her kingdom. Her and the monster battled back and forth but she was overpowered.

She was taken back with the monster and kept in their palace above. Over time Bellona came to love the monster and they had a child. Bellona took the child back to see her warriors and they were disgusted by her and her creation. They beat her. They cursed her and called her names. They killed her for being a traitor, for being so 'weak.' Her creation escaped and went back home to his father to tell him everything that happened. His father went to the ocean and laid his hands into the water—throwing and breaking every rock in the chill of rushing blue and green. Never again did the lives of rocks and humans collide.


I open my eyes and sigh. The water hits my ghostly pale skin, comforting me. Giving me the hug I always longed for. I get out and wrap my black towel around my waist. Nina left awhile ago but not before taunting me further.

The clock on my dresser says 7:42. I get dressed in my black skinny jeans and the black and yellow sweater I picked earlier. By the time I dry and style my hair it's 8 and the door bell rings. I pad down the steps and see Andreas talking with my father.

"Great game tonight son, you really have an arm on you!" My dad says. He's always been a big sports fan. "I'm a big fan of your work as well, killing millions with a tap to the ground from your scythe." He gawks, looking towards the impenetrable, one handed Scythe my dad has hanging on the wall.

I clear my throat and they look at me with surprised looks. "Kiss already," I gag, rolling my eyes. My dad scratches the back of his neck and gets up. "Alright boys I'll see myself out. Have him home in one piece Andreas. If not...well you know what I could do to you." He says to him with a smile.

"I wouldn't have it any other way" Andreas says and we walk outside. He presses a button and both the doors on his car go up. Show off. "Where are we going anyway." I ask putting the seatbelt on. "Only the best spot in town," He grins, pulling off. Great.


The drive isn't too far from where Sea lives so I don't try to make small talk. My Apple Music softly plays 'See you again' by tyler, the creator, creating background noise.

I park the car and we get out. I start walking and he shuffles behind me, kicking a few rocks and stepping on dead leaves. We're coming up on the place I mentioned and Sea stops walking.

"Is that...water?" He says becoming tense. "Yeah, the water falls over the rocks on the other side of this tunnel." I say and he visibly starts shaking. "We don't have to go near the water—it's just somewhere I like to come and sit. We could stay in the tunnel if you'd like." I say and he still looks like I'm holding a sword to his throat. "Take my han-" I start and I mentally slap myself when I remember. I look around for something.

I see a small root coming from the ground and I rush to pull it up. "Take the other end of this root," I say looking in his eyes, "There's absolutely no reason why I would or would want to hurt you in anyway possible." I say gazing into his eyes. He hesitates for a second. There's no sound throughout the tunnel, only the endless down pour of the water, smoothing out the rocks.

He takes the other side.

I nod and force out the breath I didn't know I was holding. We walk beside each other. Slow, cautious footsteps until we step outside the tunnel and around the corner to the rocks.

We settle on a dry rock that shows a good view of the glowing water. Sea is absolutely terrified. "Tell me something about yourself," I say to distract him. His eyes dart around, looking anywhere but the water. "I'm seventeen," is all that falls out. It's a start. I continue short questions like 'what's your favorite color' and he finally calms down a bit.

"So you had to do your piercings on your own?" I ask and he nods. "They didn't hurt too bad, but the labret surely made me pass out afterwards." He says and I cringe at the thought. They do suit him though. "I admire your strength." I say and look out at the water.

"How come you play all these sports? Do you ever take a break?" He asks and I keep staring at the water. I put down the root and turn to him. "Can I open up to you about something?" I ask him and he turns his head to the side. "Why are you confused?" I question.

"Well, I just figured your life was simple you know. You work out, go to school, practice and play at your games. The only pain you'd ever endure is if you scrape your knee or something. What is there to open up about?" He says and I'm at a loss for words.

"We're leaving." Is all I can say before I get up and go back to my car.

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