It was all yellow

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Today hasn't been my day at all. I thought after finally getting to be happier and not going through what I used to anymore would be a good thing for me and that my sadness would wash away with my pain..but depression doesn't just go away.

Old memories and past experiences came to me in a dream last night and I was barely able to get up this morning. Being excluded, name calling, bullying in person and online...the abuse. I know it shouldn't affect me because 'it's just high school,' and 'we'll all forget about it after graduation' but do we really forget.

People looked to me with fear in middle school, avoided me completely, until high school when they all started to question why a person like me had so much power over them. A person with no power. No friends, no life, no love from anyone, nothing. I was nothing.

They constantly told me so. Even went as far as to carve it into my skin while I was unconscious.

It never goes away. They were right.

After that whole...endeavor last night, Andreas has barely spoken to me. Like, he's done the usual text 'Good morning' and walked with me to classes but I feel as if he's too busy for me.

He's been distracted by his phone and writing stuff down on a piece of paper but we haven't really talked at all today. I would ask if something is wrong but he goes on to act like everything is normal. For example right now. We're all sitting at the lunch table like usual but the only thing that is different is the fact that Andreas is sitting on the other side of the table next to Nina.

They've been talking and laughing over gods know fucking what. He's showing her stuff on his phone and asking her what she thought about it and writing that down too. What the fuck is going on right now?!

I peer over at them while slowly stuffing fries in my mouth. Neither of them have even noticed I am here. I can't take anymore of this shit. I get up and toss my book bag over my shoulder, then throw my trash away and leave the cafeteria.

Just when you think you have a good thing going with someone, BAM! They leave you for your best friend.

I stalk down the hallway with my hands clutched around the straps of my bag. It's not healthy to be this upset at 12 in the afternoon or at least that's what Cassian would say...where is he anyway?

I pull out my phone to text him but just as I am about to round the corner to Ms. G's class, I hear voices.

"How much more have you sold?"

"About 30 bags. High schoolers eat drugs up like candy, it won't be too long now."

"Good. Soon, the world will cry, all heroes will fall, and we'll be the only ones left. Soon everyone will be their true selves."

Drugs? True selves? I go to take a step around the corner to see who is there but instead I step in a puddle on the ground and slip down backwards. Thankfully though, my book bag breaks my fall.

I hear quick footsteps receding down the hallway. They got away. Stupid school and it's stupid water.

The bell rings and the hall starts to fill with students coming from lunch. I scramble up from the floor and dust myself off, before I could get trampled by the slew of oncoming people.

I rush into Ms. G's class and place myself in my usual desk at the back of the room. Today is the last day to go over the papers we wrote for our partner project before we turn it in tomorrow.

I look up and roll my eyes when I hear a familiar laugh and see a familiar face to match. Andreas finally strolls into the classroom before the bell rings with a group of his 'buddies'. This is the most jock shit I've ever seen.

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