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My beautiful Sea. Carry with you what I've said. Never judge a book by the cover,  for most covers can be misleading. They hide the real story within. You must read the book from cover to cover, learn and respect it's story even if you don't fully understand it. If everyone were to judge the book by its cover and never read it, it would be like tearing the book apart.


I can do this. Right?

I walk in class all while thinking up a plan to apologize to Andreas. Maybe I should write him a note! I take out a fresh sheet of paper and scribble down what all I wanted to say before the bell ring for class.

Andreas walks in but he sat further away from me than before. He's wearing sunglasses today. I fold the note and frisbee it to his desk. He looks up from his phone and grabs the note. Yes! He gets up with the note and walks across the classroom to throw the note in the trash. So much for that plan.

I sit back and slide down deeper into the desk chair. I really fucked this one up. A vision of my mom flashes in my head and I smile. She was always so beautiful. We walked hand in hand through the tall grassy meadows of her kingdom.

People start to surround us and draw their weapons. "How could you? How do you teach us to fight against the gods but fall for one yourself?" One of them yells. "You traitor!" Some yell, "you trash!" Say others. My mother tries to speak but it's too late. The blade of her second in command pierces through her stomach in a swift motion.

I feel a tear roll down my face and the bell rings. Everyone is gone.

~Later that day~

I need to find him and apologize but he won't stop avoiding me. I rush outside when the last bell rings to find him before he left. I see him walking to his car and I jog after him. "Andreas wait!" I say but he doesn't look back.

He opens and closes his doors before I could get there. At this point I'm furious. "You've avoided me for two days! I've been trying to apologize since after lunch and you won't even acknowledge me! All because I called you out on your perfect life! Some of us have a reason to feel helpless and hopeless! Some of us have a reason to want to die!" I scream out banging on the window with both of my fists.

He snaps his head towards me and I stumble away from the door. The door to his car flies off and across the field, barely missing my head. He gets out and his breath is rigged. "You can't possibly be that fucking shallow and empty minded towards other peoples feelings! Just because people don't show their pain and don't want a fucking pity party doesn't mean we don't endure pain at all!"

He snatches off his sunglasses and I gasp. His right eye was black and purple, swollen shut. "Is this what it takes to please you? Is this what you want to see!" He then takes off his shirt and turns around showing his back. Deep cuts and bruises old and new cover his body making me collapse to my knees.

He walks up to me and I knee walk backwards to try and get away from him but an apple tree, that I didn't see there before, came into the way. He hovers over my face. "Pain comes in different forms. Is this enough fucking pain for you?" He spits. There's a crowd around us with their phones out. Some students have their mouths covered as they observe the horror that is his beaten and bloodied back. He turns to walk away and the crowd separates for him.

He drives away and the crowd closes in on me. The baseball team emerges from the crowd and comes up to me with bats in hand. All at once they break me down with full swings. Swings to different parts of my body but all in unison. I curl up my body to escape it but it's no use. The crowd is silent as it happens. No cheers, no shouting of how much I deserve it. They look almost as if they were in a trance. Stuck in one place not even blinking. Everyone but Elara. Her hair floating a bit.

She notices me looking at her but before I could say anything or connect more dots, I'm hit over the head and I black out.

'It's like tearing the book apart'

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