Wet Dreams

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I wrap my arms around his back and squeeze, trying to pull him closer, trying to be deep within his skin. I carefully control my thrusts the best I can but it's beginning to be too much. His hips spinning circles in my lap, his voice in my ear, our bodies wanting more and more.

He stops his movements and grabs my arms, pulling them from around him. He instead guides my hands to his ass and uses them to hold it open. He looks at me with pleading eyes that said more than words ever could. I pull apart his ass more and thrust up until my hips are as close as they can get.

Sea wraps his arms around my neck and lets out a whine. "I know baby, I know." I tell him and pull back before going in again just as deep, if not deeper. I can feel his stomach bulge out where my dick sits inside of him. I move my hips in slow needy circles while still inside him, making him become even louder.

I pull back again and turn my head to him. We make eye contact and lean in for a slow, tender kiss, My slow thrusts getting faster and harder. He holds his mouth wide open, no longer able to kiss me back. I close my eyes and use my mouth to pepper kisses along his neck and jawline.

I feel something wet drip onto my face, but I'm guessing it's just sweat...Until it happens again. Drop upon drop, falls onto my face and roll down my cheek. I stop kissing Sea and look up.

I jump away and throw him off of me, he lands on the ground with a thud. What happened to him? His skin a deathly hue of purple, his eyes black. He gets up slowly and starts to crawl over the bed towards me, water pouring out of his widened mouth.

I quickly crawl back from him but he grabs my leg and at an instant, my eyes roll back and my thoughts go to my father. He smiles sweetly at me and walks towards me with open arms. I timidly open mine and walk towards him. He pulls me into a warm embrace and doesn't let go.

I try to pull away from him but his grip was too strong, I was too weak. "I lost everything, everything! Why not lose you too." He says and ignites us both on fire.

I sit up with a scream, my shirt drenched with sweat. I turn my head every direction, in search for Sea or my father, but they never appear. I sigh out and slump back against my headboard. Some nightmare.

I get up and trudge my way to the bathroom. I close the door and lock it, turning the lights on. I almost jump back at my appearance. There are lines on my face, my hair is disheveled, eyes blood shot, and my shirt is fully dampened with old sweat.

I strip out of my shirt and throw it into the hamper. I walk back to the counter and lean against it, pressing my full weight onto my palms. I touch my forehead to the mirror and close my eyes.

"I absolutely love my life." I say sarcastically. "Access granted." A voice says making me jump for the millionth time this morning. I look around for who or what could've said that but I don't see anything different. I was about to call myself crazy and leave the bathroom but I heard a small thud come from the closet.

Ah. I wonder which horror film I'm in.

I creep slowly towards the closet door and put a hand on the doorknob. I slow my breathing and mentally prepare myself for whatever I'm about to fight off. I step back and flog open the door. I jump into the closet with my fists up, but nothing ever comes. I quickly turn on the light to see nothing in the closet.

I look around for what felt like ages trying to find what fell. Finally I see it. A book? I walk over to it and kneel down to pick it up. It's more like a journal. The front and back covers are blank besides a small 'A' carved into the bottom corner of the front cover.

So it was Angel's.

I open the journal and see his well known, curly handwriting. I move my hand over the words with tears forming in my eyes. The first few pages were normal journal entries saying how his day was and the 'Tea' going on in the school.

The next few pages turn into something more than I was able to handle.

My face contorts into that of horror and I throw the journal down. All these years of thinking everything in Angel's life was normal and spectacular. I see it now. The limping. The random bruising. The lies and the Medusa tattoo spread across his forearm.

I crawl back away from the book and hug my knees to my chest. I slowly rock as I start to hyperventilate. Black spots start to cloud my vision from the lack of air I'm getting. I claw at my neck to try and find some sort of relief but I can't.

How could someone do this. How could he do this.

A tear falls down my cheek before I completely black out, my back hitting the cabinets.

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