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This chapter will be a little spicy. Just a little pinch of smut, but if you don't wish to read it then stop reading when you see the words "I sure hope not."⚠️

Andreas is nervous. I'm nervous for him, of course, but someone has to be strong for the other even if it's...fake strong? I send him encouraging words and a few pictures hoping it will cheer him up some.

I send my last message to him but get no response. Hardly ever do or say this but, I pray to the gods that things go okay. I close my phone and lean back in the seat, running my hands down my face and huffing out hard. There's a tap on the window of the car that makes me turn my head.


She opens the door and looks at me quizzically. "We all went in awhile ago yet here you are. Are you okay?" Am I okay? There's no point in lying to her considering she'd know if I was lying anyway. "Worried about Andreas. He's revealing some big things to his family that might...potentially...maybe could...get him killed." I say and look at Nina who's eyes are so wide they are bound to pop out the socket.

"It's a long story and it's also not mine to tell." I get out the car and close the door. "You know—I always did find their relationship interesting...aren't they brothers?" She asks and I nod my head. "Yeah, Hercules was secretly dating Kratos when he was younger, 20s maybe, while he was dating this girl...Megara or something like that.

He didn't bring Kratos around his family while all of this was going on, of course, but Zeus later found out about them when he caught them sleeping in the bed together...naked." I say and slide the door to the warehouse to the side making a large enough gap for the both of us to go through.

"Wow. So Zeus told them that they were half brothers and they wanted to be with each other anyway?" Nina asks in disbelief and I nod my head again. "True love comes in many many forms."

We walk up to the workbench where everyone is sitting. Nina invited Iris too since they were lab partners. "Ok where's this pill?" Iris asks and Elara takes the small plastic bag it's in out of her pocket and places it on the table.

She puts on gloves and picks up the pill, examining it. "How do you want to go about this Nina?"

Nina shrugs and looks around the lab then back to Iris and the pill. She has a devious look on her face that says she's about to do what I think she is. "Let me see it." She says leaning over the workbench and taking it from Iris with a gloved hand. "Nina no-" I start but it's too late. She pops the pill in her mouth and swallows it without a second thought.

Everyone stares at her like she's crazy and they all yell at her to cough it up. She has a smile on her face as everyone tosses her around and slaps her on the back. This is the only way Nina likes to test things, she's been doing this since we were kids. It all started when she ate a piece of chalk that claimed it was toxic, to which she said she'd be the judge of that.

It was in fact toxic.

Ever since she got her abilities, she's been even more dumb with what she puts in her body. I look back over to Nina who managed to escape all the hands that were trying to pry her mouth open. She pulls out a worn note book and a pen. "I'm going to start documenting what happens, as it happens. If I can't write then Iris you take over." She says pointing a pen to Iris who looks at her wide eyed.

We sit around and talk, waiting for something to happen to Nina but nothing ever came.

Or so we thought.

I'm not sure what's going on, but why am I staring at my own body? Just a minute ago I! I was in there in that body and now I'm looking at it.

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