Tip: Little Stinkers Love Kate Bush and Byler - CG!Max x Little!Reader

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You giggled happily as Max placed her headphones on your head. Kate Bush started to blast into your ears as you happily drew with Max. You looked up at her and smiled brightly, which she returned. Max may not have enjoyed coloring, but she knew you did. And if it was for you, she'd do anything without question.

At the moment, both of you were happily coloring in Maxs living room. You two had decided to have a little day together since you hadn't had any one on one time in a while. You were snapped out of your trance by Max gently shaking your shoulder. "Mind if I take a look? See how the master piece is coming along?" Max said in a fancy voice.

You smiled and nodded. You held up your now almost fully colored in page of Strawberry Shortcake. Max nodded in approval and smiled. She ruffled your hair gently and kissed your forehead. "Lemme see yours!" You said, pointing to her page. Max let out a hearty laugh and looked back at you. "I'm gonna warn ya bub. It's not as amazing as yours." Max said, smiling down at you.

"Lemme seeee!" You said, bouncing a little. "Alright, alright." Max said laughing a bit and removing her hand from her drawing. You quickly looked at it and tried to suppress your giggles. Max noticed this and smiled playfully. "What? What's so funny, you little stinker?" Max said as she tickled your sides. You couldn't contain it anymore. You quickly started laughing as she tickled you mercilessly. You were however, able to keep the headphones on.

"Alright Giggles. I think we should put a hold on coloring so we can eat, okay?" Max said gently as she brushed a stray piece of hair behind your ear and stood up. You jutted out your lip and gave her your signature puppy dog eyes. "Bu Maxy...'m almost done!" You said as you held up your artwork. Max sighed a bit and gave you a look. You put the lip and the drawing away but kept the eyes.

"Y/N, cmon. I need to feed you at some point. Plus, I have some leftover desserts I don't think I can finish by myself..." Max said in a sing song voice. You thought for a moment and put your hand on your chin dramatically. Max sighed and smiled a bit." You can keep listening to Kate Bush too. But only if you eat all your lunch!" Max said with a smirk. You nodded happily and gave Max the cheesiest, gummy smile you could muster.

"Little stinker.." Max said with a smirk as she watched you walk over to the kitchen. You quickly took a seat at the dining table and watched as Max started to make you and herself a PB and J. You started to hum along to Kate Bush while Max brought over the sandwiches. While you didn't want to admit it, you were hungry. But you wouldn't give Max the satisfaction.

"So...how does a play date with Will and Mike sound?" Max said casually while eyeing her food. You gasped and coughed a bit. Max quickly pat your back and chuckled a bit. "Easy slugger.." She chuckled. You giggled a bit as she gave you your apple juice filled sippy with princess designs on it. "Anyways, so this interests you?" Max said playfully.

"Yeah! Please Maxy? Please!" You asked vigorously while pulling yourself on the table. "Ok firstly, off the table. Your not falling on my watch and please be careful with my headphones. Secondly, I already said yes sooo." Max said as she helped you down. You smiled sheepishly and gently handed back her headphones. Max smiled softly and pushed them back towards you.

"It's fine babes. Just be careful." She said while standing and putting them back on your head. She then turned Running Up that Hill on and walked over to the fridge. You quickly finished your sandwich as she walked back over with two left over pieces of cake. You looked at her curiously. "From a coworker for my moms birthday. But she doesn't even like cake so why let it go to waste." Max shrugged.

The girl sat across from you and placed a piece of cake on your plate. You quickly dug right in until you stopped randomly. "Something wrong there giggles?" Max said softly. "Does Mike like Will like you like Lucas? Or how Mr. Hopper likes Mrs. Joyce?" You ask cutely. Max almost spit out the water she was drinking.

Max started to laugh as she grabbed your hand and shook her head. "Whus so funny?" You asked innocently. "N-Nothing babes..It's just, everyone knows that except Mike and Will." Max said as her laughter died down. "....huh?" You asked again. Max sighed and laughed a bit. "Yes. Mike and Will like each other like how Mr. Hopper and Mrs. Joyce like each other." Max said with a laugh.

"Wait...but what about you and Lucas?" You asked. Max blushed a light pink and looked away. She hadn't realized that regressed Y/N knew about her and Lucas. Sure, Lucas knew about little Y/N, but Max hadn't realized a two year old could tell if a relationship is platonic or romantic. "Yes. But don't ask him that!" Max said quickly. You giggled and hugged Max tightly. "Sowwy. Love you Maxy." You said brightly.

Max pulled you into her lap and kissed your cheek. She pulled down your headphones and booped your nose. "I love you, you little stinker."
She said softly.

Hope that wasn't to bad for the first one. Anyway, have a great day/ night!
- Zoe

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