Cutest Little Cheerleader - CG!Fruity Four x Little!Chrissy

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I never knew how badly I needed little Chrissy in my life. Also, I saw hc somewhere where Chrissy and Steve were cousins and I fell in love with it. So just for this one, they're cousins.

Chrissy giggled loudly as Robin and Eddie played with her stuffed animals in front of her. She loved it when Eddie and Robbie played with her. They were like the older siblings she never had! Even though they could be a little...much.

However, Chrissy was also a calm baby. She didn't like loud noises, she didn't like going all out with games, and she didn't really like talking. She just preferred sitting with a caregiver and cuddling. And that was okay! Whatever princess Chrissy wants, she gets.

"Chrissy, help! She's being a meanie!" Eddie said. Robin scoffed and look to Chrissy as well. "He's obviously lying Chrissy! I'm never a meanie." Robin defended. Chrissy laughed and nodded to Robin. Robin laughed and Eddie grumbled playfully. "Alright then...I guess you get the tickle monster!" Eddie shrieked.

Chrissy yelped as Eddie pulled her close and tickled her mercilessly. She laughed loudly as Eddie kissed her head and ceased fire on the tickling. Robin took Chrissy from Eddie and placed kisses on her face, showing her a few toys.

"Alright, Chrissy girl. Bath time." Nancy said as she walked into the room with towels. The older girl smiled warmly at Chrissy and started walking upstairs. Robin quickly lifted Chrissy up and made air plane noises the whole way up to the bathroom. "You're so silly baby bird!" Robin said as she bounced Chrissy a bit.

Chrissy laughed again and cuddled into Robin. She liked it when Robbie made her laugh. Robin knocked on the bathroom door and bounced Chrissy more, making the little cling and giggle at the same time. Steve popped out of the bathroom, shirt a bit wet and sleeves rolled up. "Hey sweetheart. Ready for your bath?" Steve said, taking Chrissy from Robin and placing a few kisses on her face.

Chrissy smiled brightly and nodded. "Stevie cuddle later?" Chrissy asked, making Steve laugh a bit and nod. "I wouldn't miss it for the world, baby." Steve said.

Steve always gave the best cuddles when Chrissy was trying to sleep. So if there was one thing Chrissy was looking forward to, it was that. "Bye, bye kiddo." Robin said and ruffled Chrissy's hair. The older girl gave Chrissy a sweet smile before going back downstairs.

Steve kissed Chrissy's head and gently situated her so she was on his hip. The two walked into the bathroom to see Nancy Wheeler, filling the tub with bubbles. "Hey sweet girl!" Nancy said excitedly as Steve handed Chrissy over to her. "Hi Nance." Chrissy said shyly as she hid her face.

Nancy cooed at the girl and kissed her forehead before shooing Steve away. Once the older boy was out of the room, Nancy quickly undressed Chrissy and sat her in the warm, soapy water. Bath time was always easy with Chrissy, since the girl just loved relaxing in the water. Plus, Chrissy was easily occupied, and played with her toys happily while Nancy gently washed her hair.

Nancy was quick to rinse out the girl hair and kiss Chrissy's head. "Alright, bunny. We gotta say bye bye to the water so you can get ready for bedtime." Nancy said, grabbing a towel to dry Chrissy off. Chrissy made a sad little face and waved solemnly at the water. Nancy held in a coo and smiled down at the girl gently.

Chrissy was lifted out of the water and dried off rather quickly. She knew Nancy didn't want her getting sick, so it was understandable why Nance moved so quick. Chrissy was snapped out of her thoughts by Nancy telling her to lay down. The girl complied and felt Nancy diaper her up and change her into a long sleeved white and green onesie.

"Look, Nance! It looks like my cheer uni!" Chrissy said, pointing at the mirror. "You're right, sweet girl! You've gotta be the smartest girl I've met." Nancy said, tickling Chrissy's side softly. Chrissy giggled and laid her head in Nancy's neck.

The two walked out of the bathroom into Eddie, who was standing there and smiling like an idiot. "Hey Cris! What's up with my favorite little cheerleader?" Eddie asked, taking Chrissy into his arms. "Ed's.." Chrissy mumbled, cuddling close to Eddie. The poor girl was tired. So, so tired.

Eddie smiled softly and placed a hand on Chrissy's back, rubbing circles softly. Robin and Steve had came up the stairs by now and smiled softly at the sight. "I think we may need to skip brushing her teeth tonight...what do you think, Nance?" Robin asked while leaning against the wall.

"Yeah...she's tired...poor thing." Nancy said, smiling softly at Eddie as he rocked Chrissy back and forth. "Alright. Bedtime it is then." Steve said, ushering everyone to the giant guest room. The only reason they used that room, was because it was big enough for all five teens to sleep on the bed.

Everyone quickly piled in, with Chrissy in the middle and everyone around her. The little let out a little yawn and cuddled into Eddie happily, but also held Nancy's hand. She also felt Steve cuddle up behind her and Robin behind Eddie. "Cutest little cheerleader ever.." Eddie mumbled as he drifted off to sleep. Chrissy smiles to herself a bit.

She really was loved.

Not to sure if people will like this CG pairing, but hey, why not try it.

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