Alone - CG!Will x Little!Mike

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From this chapter forward the Byers didn't move out of Hawkins unless it's stated otherwise

Mike gripped his stuffed bear tightly as he shook violently on the floor. He panted nervously and looked around the room for anyone or anything to help him calm down. All he could think about was that nasty monster that was gonna hurt him.

It all started when Mike came home and regressed as usual. The only difference was that Will had stay back at school to help Eddie with drawing out a dnd character, since while Eddie had musical talent, his best art work was stick figures. Mike had said he didn't mind (even though he really, really did) and told Will to go on.

However, Mike didn't realize how badly he needed to regress.

The second he got out of Steve's car, he was inside and playing with his stuffed animals. Mike didn't even realize that he was regressed for a few minutes once he was in the house. At least he had the place to himself so he could be little peacefully. Ted was at work, Holly and Karen at  the store, and Nancy was still at school.

However, being little and alone don't really work well together. Within a few minutes, Mike had spilled a cup of juice, made a mess in the living room, and accidentally got crayon on the coffee table. However, Mike was little and didn't see the problem. So, he just kept going.

At one point, he turned on the T.V. Bad idea. Some documentary on Hawkins was on and it was about the massacre in the hospital. The same massacre that Mike had gone through. The same massacre where Will had been in pain. The same massacre where demodogs were hunting them and ended up taking Bobs life.

And that's how Mike ended up here. Hyperventilating. Alone. And little. Mike started to cry into his bear as he rocked back and forth, trying to remember the stupid breathing exercise Will and taught him that managed to work so well every time. Then Mike heard and awful or wonderful sound.

The front door opened.

For a moment, Mike couldn't breathe. What if it was the demogorgan? Or worse, the demodogs? Mike stayed frozen in place until he heard a voice. "Mike? Where are you?" The voice said. Mike felt him self relax ever so slightly as he went back to normal freaking out.

The voice was, thankfully, Wills. Will walked around the house until eh spotted Mike, shaking and crying in the living room. Will ran over to him and sat next to the boy, pulling him into his lap. "Woah, woah, hey! Hey, Mike, baby, it's okay! You're okay..what happened sweetheart?" Will said as he stroked Mikes back.

Mike tried to talk, but only choked cries came out. Will gently shushed him and rocked the boy back and forth. "Remember the breathing I taught you, honey." Will said. Mike nodded and tried to do the exercise, but failed miserably.

"Smell the daisies..." Will said, taking a deep breath in. Mike copied his actions. "Blow out the candles..." Will said again and let out the breath he'd been holding. Mike copied Will again  and began to do the breathing more and more. "That's it...there you go. You're okay, bud. Everything's okay." Will said. Mike nodded and leaned into Will.

"So...wanna tell me what happened?" Will asked once Mike got settled. "Mmm...needed to be lil." Mike replied. Will nodded and let out an 'Ah'. "Okay..but maybe you should've told me that?" Will said softly. Mike shrugged and began to toy with Wills shirt. "Yeah. But why didn't you say anything sweet boy?" Will asked.

Mike bit his lip and looked away. "Did'n wanna bother you..." Mike mumbled. To his surprise, Will began to laugh a little at this. Mike looked at Will, pure shock and hurt on his face. "Oh no, no, Mike, no. It's just, you could never bother me! You never have, and you never will. I love watching you, sweetheart! You're so sweet and good to me, and I love you so much." Will said, taking Mikes hands.

Mike smiled and gave Will a sloppy kiss on the cheek. "Love ou' to.." Mike said. Will cooed at Mikes babbles and looked around the room. "Alright kiddo. Why don't we clean this room up a little and then we can play?" Will said. Mike poured a little at that but stopped when Will started to tickle him.

"You gotta clean or the tickle monsters gonna get you silly!" Will said. Mike laughed and surrendered, getting up form Wills laps and crawling to put his toys back in the bin. Will smiled softly and went to get a wet paper towel for the crayon marks. While Mike could be difficult and not the best with communicating, Will loved him and wouldn't want him any other way.

Okay so it's been a while! Before I say anything for the book, I'd like to thank the ultimate girl boss, Queen Elizabeth. She was an incredible person and I don't know what life's going to be like without her. So thank you, your majesty, for everything you given us and you will be missed😢 Secondly, I will have more chapters out soon but schools been kinda crazy so we'll see. Anyway, have a great day/night!

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