Not Sick and Not a Little Girl - CG!Steve x Little!Max

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I loved this request so much 🥺

Steve stared at Max as she coughed and sneezed, sniffling a bit as well. Her face was pale as ever, minus her bright pink nose. It was clear that she was sick. Dustin, Lucas, and Mike chatted happily in the back, while Max sat up front with Steve.

"Hey sure you're good?" Steve asked, looking at her and back at the road. Max nodded and pulled her jacket closer, shivering a bit. Steve nodded, not believing her for a second. Max was curled up in the corner of the front seat of his car. She wiped her nose furiously and looked out the window.

Steve let out a small sigh. He hated it when Max decided to be difficult. Especially when sick or little. She just wouldn't let him take care of her, no matter what he did. Steve was snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a growl of frustration from the other seat. It was hard to hear over the talking, Steve heard it. "Max, what's going on?" Steve asked in his mom voice.

"Nothing." Max said angrily as she fought with her jacket. Steve looked back at the road, unsure of what to think. Before he knew it, he was pulling into Hawkins High parking lot and watching some other parents drop off their kids.

"Later Steve!" Lucas and Dustin yelled as they got out. Mike just sulked and stepped out. "Don't be stupid!" Steve called. "Bye, Steve." Max said in a congested voice as she stepped out. "Hey, Max?" Steve said. Max turned before closing the door. "Call me. In case you need me to pick you up." Steve said. Max rolled her eyes and slammed the door.

Yup. That was Steve's kid.


It wasn't even an hour after he dropped the kids off, did Steve's phone ring. "Hey, this is Steve Harringt-" "Steve!" Dustin's distressed voice came over the line. "Henderson? Hey kid, what's going on? You okay? Are the others okay?" Steve had a million questions, but was cut off by Dustin again. "It's Max! I think she's dying of a sickness!" Dustin yelled.

Steve never moved so fast in his life.

The man quickly grabbed his keys and coat, ignoring Robins questions as he ran out. "What's going on? What's happening?" Steve asked as he started the car. "Okay, so she's not dying. But she's not great either!" Dustin said. Steve let out a sigh of relief and drove out of Family Videos parking lot.

"Okay, so is she in pain?" Steve asked as he flew down the street. "Kinda. Also, she's regressed. But trying not to be?.." Dustin said, clearly confused. Steve winced when he heard that. He knew what that meant. Max was going to be fighting him all day now.

"Okay, okay. Listen, I'll be there in 5 minutes, 7 tops. Can you get her outside the front door?" Steve asked. Dustin hesitated, and Steve could hear distant talking. "Yeah, yeah. Sure. We'll be out there in a minute." Dustin said. Steve nodded and said bye to Dustin, hanging up the phone. He knew he shouldn't have let her go to school like that!

Pretty soon, he was pulling into the school parking lot. Steve looked around and saw the party waiting outside, a sick Max leaning on Lucas. Steve stopped the car on the side and stepped out. "Hey, how is she?" Steve asked. "She's alright, for now." Lucas said, helping the ginger into the front seat.

"Okay. You three, get back to class. Call me once school is over." Steve said, walking around to the drivers side. The others tried to protest, but Steve was already driving off.

"Hey sweetheart...can you tell me what happened?" Steve asked in a soft voice. " 'M na lil...." Max mumbled. Steve nodded in understanding and went back to watching the road. "Well, it's okay if you know I don't care. I love little Max." Steve said softly.

Max looked away, angry tears forming. Steve noticed and frowned at the sight. He hated seeing one of his kids cry. Even if they were tears of anger. "Hey. It's okay if you're regressed, Maxie. You know I love to take care of you. I'm not gonna judge you." Steve said. Max looked at him, tears in her eyes as she nodded. She let out a loud cough and whimpered.

"My poor sick baby..." Steve muttered, putting the back of his hand against Max's forehead. Max leaned into his hand and whined loudly. "Dada...fix it!" Max yelled. Steve felt awful as he pulled into the driveway. "I know hon...I'll get you some medicine, feed you, and you'll be fine." Steve said as he stopped the car and walked around, taking Max out and lifted her on his hip.

Steve opened his door and walked over to the living room, setting Max down on the couch. Max whined when he put her down, and Steve tried to ignore it. However, he still kissed her forehead. He quickly ran upstairs, grabbed clothes and medicine, and ran back downstairs.

"Alright kiddo. Let's get you into something more comfy." Steve said as he grabbed the onesie and diaper. Thankfully, Max didn't seem to have the energy to fight as she just laid there and let Steve change her. Steve gently pulled her up, causing the girl to cough violently and sniffle. "Sorry honey.." Steve said. "S'okay Dada.." Max said as she sneezed.

Steve gave her a sympathetic smile as he pulled her into his lap. Max leaned against him and made grabby hands for the empty bottle that sat with the medicine. "Alright. Let's go make you a bottle." Steve said as he stood, Max on his hip. He then grabbed the medicine and gave Max the bottle. The two then walked to the kitchen, with Max laying her head on Steve's shoulder.

This was gonna be a long day, but Steve didn't care. His baby girl was in pain, and God knew that he would take great care of her.

Okay firstly, I have a few shout outs to make. These two writers are all absolutely amazing writers and I truly don't think they're recognized enough. Firstly, there's EliLover1, who writes for the black phone. They're agere shots are just lovely, however, they're also going through a loss right now. I won't get into it, but I think a bit of support from readers is needed right now. Another writer, whose just starting on Stranger things agere, is hearts4lalisa. They just started their oneshots, and so far, it's looking amazing! They're also not the only deserving authors, so I'll try to shout out some more.

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