Ocean Sounds - CG!Billy x Little!Reader

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TW: contains overstimulation

The sounds of high schoolers chattering and yelling filled the hallways of Hawkins High. You let out a small whimper as you walked through the halls towards the front door. To say today was tough would be an understatement.

Not only had you been late to three classes, but you also now had a detention on Friday for someone else cheating off you're paper. You weren't even trying to give the kid answers! It wasn't your fault he didn't study and you did! So why should you be getting punished?

You were snapped out of your thoughts by Billy pulling up to the doors. "Hey guppy." He said, stepping out. You didn't give him time to walk around, running to him and crashing into his arms. You hugged him right and tried to ignore all these oh-so loud noises. "Hey, hey, Y/N..Honey, what's going on?" Billy asked.

You looked at him with teary e/c eyes. "Loud." Was all you could whimper out. Billy nodded in understanding gently lifted you up. He walked over to the passenger seat and buckled you in, placing a kiss on your forehead. You whined when he walked away, but stopped once he got in the drivers seat.

"I'm sorry that happened sweetheart. Daddy's really sorry. Getting overstimulated sounds no fun. But y'know what helps me?" Billy said, starting the car and driving his beloved Camaro out of the parking lot. You shook your head and stuck your thumb in your mouth curiously. "Okay, well, first." Billy said. "We're gonna take this out." He then said, taking your thumb out and replacing it with a whale themed pacifier.

He then pulled out a cassette tape, which confused you more. You stared at him as he put it in and all of a sudden, ocean noises spilled out. You could hear the waves crashing against the shore, the faint sound sea gulls cawing, and your own breathing.

It was perfect.

You let out a content sigh and laid your head on the chair. Billy smiled at you while driving and gently rubbed your thigh comfortingly. You normally didn't like to be touched when overstimulated, but you couldn't even feel it with how relaxed you felt. Pretty soon, you were even home and didn't even realize it.

Billy gently unbuckled you and pulled you out, making you whine loudly. "Shhh, don't worry guppy. Once Daddy gets us situated, we can listen to that while we nap." Billy said. You seemed satisfied with that answer. Even though you didn't like the whole waiting part all that much.

Billy carried you inside, shutting the door once he was in. He then went to his room, grabbed your little gear, and returned to the living room. He then had you lie down, and was quick to change you into a diaper and an ocean themed onesie. You smiled down at the onesie and gently touched the little whale on the front.

"You like it, huh baby?" Billy said softly as he pulled you into his lap. You nodded with a happy smile and kissed his cheek. Billy smiled at this and pulled you close, attacking you with kisses. You squealed loudly and tried to get away, laughing the whole time. "Alright, alright sweetheart. Bottle time."

You sat close to Billy as he dug through the bin and pulled out a sea shell themed bottle. He gently picked you up and walked you over to the kitchen, where he started on your bottle. "Daddy....done yet?" You asked, growing impatient. "Almost guppy." Billy said reassuringly as he finished pouring vanilla into the bottle. He quickly shook it up and hoisted you up on his hip.

Billy let out a small sigh when you didn't cooperate with him trying to feed you. He could tell you were tired, which meant you were cranky. And when you were cranky, listening wasn't you strong suit. "Cmon sweetheart. It'll Daddy really happy if you drink some. And you may like it! Please?" Billy asked softly.

You looked at him for a moment. On one hand, drinking the bottle would take longer. On the other, it would make Daddy happy and you loved it when that happened. You hesitantly took a sip, then another, and then you were suckling away. "Told you you'd like it." Billy smirked.

You grumbled as you drank and leaned into him as he carried you to the living room. Billy sat down on the couch and situated you so you are laying in his lap. He then pulled out a walkman from the basic near the couch. He quickly pulled out the Running That Hill mixtape (God, did Max love that song) and switched it for the ocean sounds.

"Alright baby. Nap time." Billy said. You smiled a bit and spit out the bottle nipple. Billy chuckled and placed the bottle on the coffee table. He placed the headphones on your head and rubbed your back as you finally got some sleep. Billy kissed your head softly and smiled a little, feeling a soft blanket being placed on you.

HC that billy calls his regressor 'guppy'. Anyway, another long overdue one. Hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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