What Did I Do Wrong?.. - CG!Mike x Little!Will

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The Byers didn't move in this one cuz I'm still in denial about that

Mike was having a bad day.

He woke up late, which meant he missed his ride form Nancy. Apparently she needed to be there early for some reason he wouldn't understand. Then, to make it oh-so better, teachers and kids just decided that today was the day to pile up on Mike Wheeler. Teachers were jerks, kids were jerks, and it was just a rough day.

But what really took the cake was Will, who kept asking what was wrong.

Mike knew he was being unusually quiet, and that would worry Will. He felt as upsetting his boyfriend to be honest. But today was just to hard. He didn't need someone asking if he was okay every ten seconds!

"Mike, seriously. What's going on? You can talk to me.." Will said softly. That's when Mike snapped.

"Will you stop asking that?! God, it's like I have to talk to you to be fine! What is your problem?! I just don't feel like talking, and for the record, you don't talk all the time! I don't see why-" Mike stopped mid sentence when he heard faint sniffling. "Will?.." Mike asked.

Will wiped his eyes, looking at the boy with tears in his brown eyes. "Will I-" Mike couldn't finish his sentence before Will dashed off. Mike jumped up and tried to follow him, but the boy ran outside.

The two boys ran through the woods, until Will found the remains of castle Byers and jumped inside, pulling the curtain shut. Mike stopped and sighed, walking over and taking a seat outside.

"Will I....I'm sorry. I shouldn't have snapped like that. It's just...today was tough. Really tough. And I took it out on you, which wasn't okay. I shouldn't have yelled at you and...Will, I'm just so sorry." Mike said. The faint sound of sniffling stopped, and Will slowly crawled out of castle Byers.

Mike looked at the boy and gave him a sad smile. Will didn't return it, btu he did sit next to Mike. Then it hit Mike. "Will...are you regressed?" Mike asked. Will swiped at his nose and nodded, putting his thumb in his mouth.

Well that just made Mike feel shittier than he did before. Him yelling at Will not only made the boy cry, but regress too.

"What did I do wrong?.." Will asked quietly. Mike almost felt tears prick his eyes right then and there. Had he really made Will that upset? The black haired boy looked down at Will and sighed. "Can I touch you bud?" Mike asked.

Will nodded and sniffled one more time. Mike moved forward and hugged Will tightly, placing a kiss on the boys forehead. Will returned the hug and started to cry into Mikes neck. "Nothing Willy. You did nothing wrong and I snapped at you for it. That was very wrong, and I'm so sorry." Mike said. Will let out a choked sob into his neck and clung to his flannel.

Mike gently shushed the boy and rubbed his back. "I know, hon. I'm sorry. Dada's sorry. He shouldn't have yelled at you. You were just trying to help, huh?" Mike said.

Will nodded into his shoulder and cried softly. "You didn't deserve that sweetheart." Mike muttered, kissing the boys head. Will started to lighten up on the crying and pulled away from Mike. "Sowwy you had a bad day..." Will said softly.

Mike clicked his tongue and shook his head. This boy was so considerate. "Don't you worry about me.  This is about you, silly goose." Mike said, gently poking the boy in the stomach. Will let out a small giggle at this and Mike had an idea. "Oh..." Mike said slyly as he began tickling  Will. Will laughed loudly and pulled away from Mike, who was also laughing.

"Da nooo!" Will squealed. "Mmmm I don't think so Will the Wise." Mike said as he tickled the boy even more. Will started to laugh more and kept trying to pull away. "I'll let you go on one condition!" Mike said. Will asked what through his giggles and tried to look Mike in the eyes. "You forgive me." Mike said. "Otay, otay! I forgive Da!" Will said, tears coming to his eyes from all the laughing.

"Alright then. I release thee. Now cmon, someone is getting a special ice cream treat." Mike said, standing and offering his hand to Will. "Even rocky 'oad?!" Will asked excitedly. "Whatever you want baby." Mike responded. Will gasped and took his caregivers hand, jumping up and dragging Mike back to the Byers house.

Mike laughed and let the boy pull him to the house. He felt awful for lashing out at Will like that. And causing him to cry and regress just made him feel that much guiltier. If he could, he'd give that boy the world right now on a silver platter. However, he supposed ice cream could do for now.

After all, it was rocky road.

Byler. My soul.

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