Embarrassment - CG!Steve x Little!Reader

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You waited for the bathroom and glanced at your friends while they sat at a booth in this fancy new restaurant, praying for a way out of this. This was a total nightmare. Here were your friends, who didn't know about your regression, and you, who was on the verge of regressing, at dinner. You were barely holding it together and with each passing moment, you prayed for something to happen. ANYTHING.

Then something did happen. But not something necessarily good. Not only did the Party, Jonathon, and Nancy walk through the door, but their newly elected mother. Otherwise known as Steve Harrington, your caregiver.

It wasn't that you didn't love Steve, and you were pretty sure your friends would be more than happy with Steve coming over to sit with you, it's just he could always tell when you were slipping. Call it mothers instinct, but he could tell when you needed him most. And while most of the time he would prove to help, there were others where he embarrassed you. He'd ask you how you were feeling, if you remembered your coat, or if you needed to go to the bathroom.

But like you said, other than that, Steve was an amazing caregiver. He'd give you hugs, kisses, and would basically commit murder for you. You really did love. Just not when he was with your friends. But then again, he was Steve Harrington. Even though he was out of high school, people started to see him more as King Steve again.

"Y/N?" A voice asked. You were snapped out of your trance to see Steve himself. "Uh h-hey..." You said rather quietly. "Hey yourself, what's going? You look like you're about to cry." Steve said softly. He gently placed a hand on your shoulder and rubbed circles into it. You bit your lip and glanced back at your friends. Steve followed your look and nodded in understanding.

"Hey. I'll take you home right now if you want me to-" Steve started. "No. Then they'll never leave me alone. Especially if I don't have an a real explanation." You said while rubbing your arm. "Do you at least want me to go over with you in case?" Steve asked rather quietly. As much as you wanted to say no, you couldn't. You may need Steve at some point when over there. He may embarrass you a bit, but it's worth it if that means you don't slip in front of your friends. "Yeah. That'd be nice.." You said, looking back at Steve.

Steve smiled softly and kissed your forehead. "Everything will be fine, baby." Steve said while hugging you. You hugged back and let out a content sigh. You loved it when he called you 'baby'. Especially when you were little. Just then, an elderly woman walked out of the ladies room and you quickly snuck in. Steve waited by the door for you until you finished up. "Im just gonna tell them I'll be with you the rest of the night." Steve said, gesturing to the Party once you came out. You nodded and waited for him to come back.

Once that was over with, both of you walked back to the table, hand in hand. "Uh hey guys, turns out Steve's here so I was wondering-" You started, but you were cut off by your friend, Jessica. "Steve Harrington is ALWAYS welcome at this table," Jess said, throwing Steve a little wink. You smiled awkwardly and slid in with Steve. Everyone started talking and so far, things were going well. Then the food came.

The waiter gently set down three pizzas, all of which were hot. You tried to grab a slice for yourself, but Steve managed to catch your wrist before you could get to the food. "He said it's hot, sweetheart. Give it a minute." Steve said while letting go of your wrist. You blushed a bit and nodded, trying to ignore Jess giggling in the background. You glared at the floor for a moment and looked back up.

After a minute (as the mother hen said), you grabbed yourself a slice and began to pick it up. That wasn't happening. For some reason, you couldn't feed yourself the stupid pizza. You glanced at your friends, who were all to interested in food or their boyfriends to say anything. "You doing okay?" Steve whispered softly. "I can't pick up the damn pizza slice." You whisper-hissed back. "Hey. No need for that language. You want me to cut it for you?" Steve asked.

You let out an exasperated sigh and nodded with a thankful smile. Steve smiled back reassuringly and started to cut the food for you. You glanced over at your friends again. With no surprise at all, Jess was giggling up a storm. Wow, you were really starting to hate her. All your other friends seemed to have the same feelings towards her and looked away. Still, you felt your face heating up from embarrassment. You really wanted to get out of there.

By then Steve had finished, and you practically scarfed the whole thing down in one bite. You felt yourself slipping deeper and deeper, which was not good since that means you wouldn't be able to talk soon. Steve noticed how you were in a hurry and ate quickly as well. Thankfully, no one noticed how fast you two ate and it was clear someone was on your side. "Oh shit, Y/N. I just realized I never let Roxy in." Steve said.

You looked at him and then nodded in understanding. "Oh yeah! Poor Roxy.." You said. You were trying to limit your sentences as short as you could. The shorter the sentence, the less chances you'd slip up again. "Uh who?.." Your friend, Kelly, asked. "My dog. She's probably been wondering what's going on. Heh.." Steve said while rubbing the back of his neck. "Alright well, you should get home then. It was fun meeting you Steve." Kelly said. Everyone waved as the two of you got up, except Jess.

"Poor baby." Jess muttered. "Yeah I know, that poor dog." Kelly said. "I wasn't talking about the dog. I was talking about Miss. My-boyfriend-is-pretty-much-my-mommy." Jess said. That's when you snapped. You spun around and glared at Jess. "Yknow what Jess, it's not my fault my boyfriend cares about me enough to do stuff like that. Unlike yours. Oh wait, you don't have one. Wonder why." You said plainly. You quickly walked to the door where Steve was waiting.

Steve quickly picked you up once outside and kissed your nose. "You were so good in there, angel." Steve praised. You giggled and blushed a bit. Steve kissed your cheek a bit and opened the car door. He sat you down and buckled you up, also handing you a bunny plushie you kept in his car for emergencies. Steve gave you one last kiss a got into the drivers seat. "Ready baby?" Steve asked. You nodded and played with your bunny as Steve drove to his house

Ok so I have a reason for this taking a while. Wattpad, being the pain that I love so much, erased my work. I had three oneshots. Three. And just when I was gonna post em, I had none. So, I rewrote them and this is the only one finished so far. However, the other two and more are on their way and will be here soon! Anyway, hopes you liked it!
- Zoe

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