Little Girl - CG!Steve x Little!Max + Feat. Little!Robin

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Max doesn't have a stuffy....she has a blankie 🥺

Steve watched as both Max and Robin slept. The three (well, more so two) had decided to watch movies until they all fell asleep. Max was still recovering from it all so she was out first. She wouldn't let Steve put her down, the poor thing was so terrified. It broke Steve to see her this way.

Robin wasn't much better either.

Steve didn't care that he just found out that Robin regresses, she was one of his littles now. She'd been so good earlier...he was just so proud. He was going to take such good care of her. Just like he does Max and (sometimes) Will.

Steve was pulled out of being mesmerized by his girls by the phone ringing. He quickly set Max on some pillows and ran over to the home phone, clicking he answer button. "Hey, this is the Harrington reside-" "Steve! Guys, guys he's alive!" Dustin yelled. Steve could hear pretty much everyone. "Where have you been?!" Dustin yelled into the phone.

"Keep your voice down, dude. Max and Robin weren't feeling great, so I took them home." Steve said plainly. "Max? Is she okay?" Nancy's voice cut in. Steve sucked in a breath. He knew Nancy cared about Max, but he wasn't really in the mood to talk to her. "Yeah, is she?" Lucas asked after.

"Guys, they're fine. They just need some...quiet time." Steve said. He couldn't really find a better word for it. However, the only one who really understood was Nancy. Steve could hear her shooing them all away over the phone and smiled a bit. That was Nancy Wheeler for you. "We'll be there, first thing tomorrow morning." Dustin said in a serious tone.

"See ya then." Steve said, hanging up. He took a deep breath and felt relaxed for a moment. Everyone else was good, they'd be over tomorrow and most likely staying the night. Nothing to really worry about at the moment.

Until he heard crying from the living room.

Steve jogged over to the living room, where a little Max had sit up and was looking for something. "Looking for something baby?" Steve asked quietly, leaning against the wall. Max whipped around to stare at him. More tears poked her eyes as she reached for him. Steve immediately lifted her up and held her koala bear style as she cried.

"I know, I know honey. I'm so sorry, Dada's so sorry. It'll be okay, it's okay, shhh.." Steve cooed to the little. Max continued to cry and held Steve tighter. She felt small. And alone. And a bit sick if she was being honest.

"C-Could've helped.." Max choked out as she sobbed. Steve held her a bit tighter, as he kissed her head, "Maxie, you weren't responsible for any of that. It wasn't you're fault and you did everything you could. I'm so proud of you for being so brave." Steve said, bouncing her a bit. "How about we get something to eat? I doubt you had anything..." Steve muttered, situating Max to his hip.

Max nodded and hiccuped, rubbing her eyes. Steve continued to gently bounce her as he walked off. However, he didn't expect Max to freak out the second he took her from the pile of pillows, blankets, and cushions. "Woah, woah, what happened? You okay?" Steve asked. Max pointed to the pillow blankets, whimpering.

Steve looked at her confused for a moment before he set her on the ground. He then kneeled down next to Max, and watched as she searched the bed. She then pulled out a soft, sunflower themed crochet baby blanket. Steve let out a small sigh of relief. He was glad that Max was okay at least.

"So that's what you were looking for.." Steve said as he picked Max up and wrapped the blanket around her. Max laid her head in his shoulder and hid part of her face in the blanket. Steve smiled at her softly and walked to the kitchen.

Steve was quick with a bottle, but made sure it was perfect for Max anyway. She was just in so much pain and he wanted to make her feel a bit better at least. "Mmm..." Max whined quietly while trying to reach for the bottle.

"Not yet baby girl. Let's get back to the couch first, alright?" Steve said, hoisting her up on his hip. Max nodded and the two were off to the cozy couch. Steve sat down in the pillows, and situated Max so she could eat.

Once the bottle was close enough to her lips, Max was suckling away. Steve didn't know why he was surprised, the poor kid was probably starving. However, the most surprising thing of all was how Max wasn't even holding the bottle. Normally, she'd grip it or even hold it herself, but she was letting him take the lead.

"You're really little, huh sweetheart? I don't get to have such a small baby so often." Steve said to Max. Max responded by cuddling further into him and cooing a bit. "My little, little girl..." Steve said with a small grin.

So kind of a pt 2 to yesterday. Anyway, more chapters on the way, have a great day/night!
- Zoe

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