Help - CG!Steve x Little!Will

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TW: Mentions of abuse

Lonnie is just as bad as Neil and he can burn in hell

It was one of those days when work just wouldn't end for Steve. Working at this stupid ice cream place with the stupid uniforms was bad enough, btu when it just wouldn't end? Geez, it was all pure torture.

Steve was snapped out of his thoughts by feeling something drip on the back of his neck. He touched the back of his next, and found chocolate ice cream on his fingers. Steve turned and narrowed his eyes at Robin, who snorted and laughed. Steve rolled his eyes and went to the back.

Maybe if he just sorted boxes this would end faster.

"Steve! Get out here-" Robin yelled. "So you can throw more ice cream at my hair? No thank you. This stupid hat does enough damage.." Steve muttered as he shoved a tub of ice cream in the fridge.

Steve was waiting for Robin to say something else, but instead, she just burst through the doors. Steve let out a groan and turned. "Robin you do realize-" Steve spoke but trailed off when he saw Will holding Robins hand, tears in his eyes. Steve dropped what he was doing and jogged over to Will, taking the smaller boy in his arms for a hug.

"Will? Hey, hey what happened? What happened, bud?" Steve asked softly. Steve looked to Robin, who shrugged. "Where are the others kiddo? Do you know?" Steve asked softly. Will nodded and sniffled, clinging to Steve tightly.

Robin took this as a queue to leave the two alone, and gave the boy one last kiss on the head before leaving. Steve gently pulled Will over to the table where he could sit down. He then grabbed Will some water and kneeled in front of him. "Okay. Can you talk to me now, bud?" Steve asked. Will sniffled and nodded.

"I-I was at home, an regressed. Then I heard a" Will choked out. He let out more sobs before he could finish. It was in that moment that Steve took notice to the angry red mark on Wills cheek, and what looked like handprints around his neck.

Steve couldn't feel anything other than pure anger. But he couldn't let Will see that. It'd just scare the poor boy more.

"Will. Can you look at me, buddy?" Will sniffled and looked at Steve. "Does Mama or Jonny know?" Steve asked calmly. Will shook his head. "N-No..looking at a college.." Will whimpered out. Steve nodded in understanding. Joyce and Jonathon must've gone to see a college for the day.

"Okay sweetheart. How about we go to Stevie's house and call Mama?" Steve offered. "M-Mk.." Will whimpered. Steve nodded, kissed the boys head, and started to pack up his stuff. Will tried to sip the water, but ended up dropping it on accident. Will yelped when it hit the floor and whimpered.

"It's okay, you're okay. Robin will take care of it, okay? No one's mad, baby." Steve said softly. He gently picked Will up, holding the boy koala style, and shouldered his backpack. Steve opened the door, and walked out to see Robin.

"Hey, is he-" Robin started. "I gotta take him home. Can you just clean up a water spill? Please, Rob?" Steve asked. Robin nodded and stared at Will for a moment. "Hope you feel better buddy." Robin muttered as she touched the boys shoulder. Will nodded and leaned into Steve. Steve gave Robin a thankful look, and quickly made his way out of the mall.


The ride to Steve's was quick, and Will didn't really fuss to much. He did, however, force Steve to hold his hand. But to be honest, Steve didn't need to much convincing.

"Stevie?..." Will said quietly as Steve unbuckled him. "What's wrong honey?" Steve asked. "...Hungy." Will said in a quiet little voice. Steve chuckled softly and lifted the kid out before shutting the door. "Alright then. Let's get the baby something to eat." Steve said as he playfully bounced the boy. Will smiled softly and felt a small blush crept up.

Steve quickly unlocked his door and made his way to the kitchen, sitting Will down at the island. "How old are we kiddo?" Steve asked, pulling out a bottle and a sippy cup. Will thought for a moment before holding up two fingers. "Okay buddy, that's okay. We want a sippy or a bottle just for today?" Will immediately pointed to the bottle. It was definitely a bottle day.

Steve quickly finished up the treat for the regressed boy and took him to the living room. "Alright sweetheart. Open up." Steve said as he situated the boy on his lap so he could drink. Will quickly yanked Steve's hand forward and drank away.

Steve chuckled softly and rubbed the boys back. Then eh took notice to the red marks on Wills neck. Steve let out a small sigh at the sight and gently tapped it, making Will wince and curl into him. "Sorry baby.." Steve muttered.

Once Will was done with his bottle, Steve changed him into a much comfier light blue onesie. "Can you tilt your neck for me, bub?" Steve asked while grabbed a cream to help the pain. Will nodded softly and arched his neck. He let out a small cry when Steve touched it.

Steve winced at this, but continued. He just had to remind himself this would help Will. Even though the poor boy was crying form the pain at the moment. Steve quickly finished up and lifted the little back up. "I know, I'm sorry kiddo. But I promise, it'll help you, okay?" Steve said softly.

"Now let's go talk to your mama."

This was to cute! Really hoping I can do something with little Will and max in the future since they're kinda my favorites! Anyways, hoped you liked it, more chapters on the way, and have a great day/night!
- Zoe

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