A Mother Knows Best - CG!Joyce + Feat. Robin x Little!Nancy

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Little Nancy has my heart, alongside little Billy

Nancy didn't mean for it to happen. Frankly, she didn't know how it happened. All she knew was that she managed to cut herself on her hand on accident.

Just like how Barb did when she did.

All of a sudden, Nancy couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening, it shouldn't be happening. Why did this have to happen right now?! Nancy felt tears start to well up in her eyes. She slowly sunk down next to the bathroom stalls and cried quietly. Cold fear made its way through her body. Nancy let out a little gasp for air.


Nancy looked up and stared at none other than Robin Buckley. "Nance? What's going on, you okay?" Robin asked, kneeling in front of the crying girl. Nancy tried to get the words out, but it wasn't working. All she could let out were choked sobs. "Woah, woah, breathe Nancy. Remember to breathe. You want me to call someone?" Robin asked.

Nancy sniffled and nodded, her breathing going back to normal. "Okay. Okay, that's okay. Who am I calling?" Robin asked, trying to keep the panic out of her voice. "M-Mom.." Nancy said quietly. Robin nodded and called Mrs. Wheeler without a second thought. Nancy watched and cried a little more, regressing more and more by the minute.

Robin was on the phone for a good minute. Once she took the phone from her ear, she looked at Nancy with sympathy. "Nancy...your mom didn't answer. Do you know anyone else I should call that could help you?" Robin asked softly. Nancy sniffled and nodded. "J-Joy..." Nancy said quietly. Robin nodded and dialed Joyce's number as quick as she could.

Thankfully, Joyce answered within seconds. "Hello? Who is this?" Joyce asked. "Hi! Uh, I'm Robin, Robin Buckley and something happened. Not an upside down thing, but something equally confusing. Sort of. Anyway! Nancy, something happened and she's crying, and she wants you, and I don't know what to do!" Robin rambled.

"Robin, Robin, slow down. What's going on exactly?" Joyce said calmly. "Nancy needs you, like a lot." Robin said in a more steady voice this time. "Is she alright?" Joyce asked, a little more frantically. "I-I don't know!" Robin yelled into the phone. "I'll be there in a few minutes. Where are you two?" Joyce asked. "The girls room." Robin said nervously. "Tell her I'm in my way." Joyce said in a calm, motherly voice.

"Gotcha." Robin said, hanging up. "Uh, Joyce is on her way. Need anything while we wait?" Robin asked, sitting next to Nancy. "B-Bunny..." Nancy whimpered. "Bunny?" Robin asked. Nancy nodded and held her hand tightly. "Hey...what's that?" Robin asked softly. "Boo boo.." Nancy muttered. Robin nodded, not quote understanding what was going on.

Just then, Joyce Byers came running in. "Robin? What's-" Joyce started, but then she saw the state Nancy was in. "Hey, hey, sweetie." Joyce started. "What's going on? Can you tell me what happened?" Joyce asked softly. Nancy whimpered and jumped into Joyce's arms.

Joyce immediately wrapped her arms around Nancy and rocked her. The older woman gently combed a hand through Nancy's curly hair and kissed dear head. "It's alright sweetheart. It's alright, you're alright. Everything's okay." Joyce said softly. Nancy cried into Joyce and held her tight. Joyce pulled away, trying not to hear Nancy's protests, and looked her over. She was quick to notice the cut on Nancy's hand.

"Oh sweet girl...it's alright, it's just a little cut. Here, I'll take care of it." Joyce said. She'd packed a few bandages beforehand in case Nancy needed it. A mom was always prepared. Joyce quickly disinfected the cut, shushing Nancy's whimpers and quickly bandaged the cut up. "There we go. See? All better." Joyce said, placing a kiss on the bandage.

Robin stared at the two, a shocked expression on her face. She didn't understand how Joyce had just known what to do. "Bunny.." Nancy mumbled. "What's that baby?" Joyce asked softly. "Bunny." Nancy said, pointing to her bag. Robin quickly dug through the bag and pulled out a soft pink bunny. Nancy perked up at the sight and made grabby hands for the rabbit.

Robin smiled a little and handed the little her toy. "Nancy, can you tell 'em how old you are?" Joyce asked. Nancy thought for a minute and held up three fingers proudly. "You're three? Such a big girl!" Joyce said, making Nancy giggle and blush. "Now. Do you want to go home, or to my house for a bit?" Joyce asked.

"Hmmm....your house!" Nancy chirped. "My house it is sweetheart." Joyce smiled. Robin was able to grab Nancy's stuff and walked over to Joyce. "Um so what exactly is-" Robin started. "It's called age regression. It's where the mind reverts to a younger age." Joyce said. Robin nodded. "Can I try helping a bit?.." Robin asked quietly.

Joyce looked over and gave her a sweet smile. "Yeah. Yeah, of course you can, sweetie." Joyce said with a smile. "Joy!" Nancy yelled. Joyce
chuckled a bit. "Nancy, shhh, we need to use our inside voices, honey." Joyce said with a soft, motherly smile. "Oh. Sowwy." Nancy giggled. Robin gently lifted Nancy up and kissed her cheek. She was really starting to like little Nancy.

However, even if she loved little Nancy already, God knew they needed Joyce.

This one was so sweet! And for the record, I don't think Karen Wheeler is that bad of a parent. The Billy thing, that was just plain wrong, but other than that, she's been a pretty good mom. Anyway, hoped you liked it and I'll try to update more frequently!
- Zoe

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