Sensitive boy - CG!Steve x Little!Mike

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TW: Sensory Overload

Mike sniffled miserably as he speed walked down the hallway. He needed to get out of here. Everything was just to much, the noises, the lights, everyone just crowding him. He just wanted to go home, or to the arcade, or just anywhere that was quiet.

Mike slipped into the boys bathroom, and ran into a stall. He locked the door and let out a small cry. Everything was too much. Everyone was talking, standing so close they were basically touching him and he could barely breathe at this point. He needed to get out of here. But where could he go?

The arcade was probably best. It's was closest, and he doubted anyone would be there right now. Plus his mom and Holly would be home and they'd ask questions he just couldn't answer. Mike unlocked the bathroom stall and pushed the bathroom door open, running to the nearest exit and outside. God, he needed to just get to that stupid arcade.

Mike ran through the parking lot and managed to make it to the main road. By now, he couldn't see the school anymore and began walking instead. He had a growing headache coming on and the urge to regress was getting worse. He kept stumbling and tripping on small stones, which made him nervous. He could never really walk well when little, and pretty soon, he didn't know if he'd be able to walk at all.

It was a quiet day in town. No one was really on the road, so Mike didn't have to listen to car horns, people yelling, none of it. It made him feel a little better, but he still wanted to get to the arcade. It'd calm him down at least.

Mike looked up from the road, and managed to see the lot that belonged to the arcade. He let out a small sigh of relief, and ran over. He wasn't even looking where he was running when he went into a store. Mike slid down by the wall next to the door and took fast, panicked breathes. At least he was finally alone.



"Mike? What're you doing here?" Steve asked as he walked out from behind the counter. This was not happening. Mike did not just walk into Family Video on accident. "Hey, hey. What happened?" Steve asked as he crouched down next to Mike. Mike had just now realized there were still tears in his eyes.

" 'm fine.." Mike mumbled as he stood and tried to get to the door. However, his legs decided to give out and thankfully Steve caught him. "Mike, what's wrong? Why aren't you at school?" Steve asked as he sat down and kept holding onto Mike, despite how the boy was now thrashing to get out of his hold. Mike really didn't need to be touched right now.

"Is nothing! You don't get it!" Mike yelled. Steve looked down a Mike, a sympathetic look on his face. "Try me, kid." Mike stopped thrashing when he heard that. Tears started to form as he let out a choked sob. Steve heard this and hugged Mike close, gently rocking the boy. "Too was too much Steve.." Mike whimpered out.

Steve felt his heart sink. Oh, that poor kid. Steve had had a sensory overload before, and it was never fun. Especially at high school where everyone's pushing and shoving and- Oh, maybe he should let go of him right now. Steve gently set Mike down and took a small step back. Mike seemed alright for now, but he was still hyperventilating.

"Oh, kid, hey. Take a deep breath with me." Steve took a few deep breaths to demonstrate, and Mike followed. "Can I touch you, kiddo?" Steve asked softly. Mike nodded a bit and made grabby hands for Steve. Steve smiled a bit and held the kid, gently rocking him. Mike started to chew of his fingers bit in response. "No, no bud. That's icky." Steve said as he gently pulled Mikes fingers out of his mouth.

Steve stood up, lifting Mike onto his hip with him. By now Robin had come back from her nap in the break room. "What happened to him? Is he okay?" Robin asked as she immediately ran over. "Do you mind if I take him home? He needs some time to relax." Steve asked as he grabbed his jacket. "Yeah. Yeah, of course." Robin said as she grabbed Mikes bag, which was forgotten by the door.

"Thanks, Rob." Steve said while giving the blonde a thankful smile. Robin smiled back and nodded, putting Mikes bag in the back. Steve sat Mike down in the front, buckling him as well, and running to the other side and driving off once he was in.

"Stebe?" Mike asked quietly. "Yeah, sweetheart?" Steve responded. "Hungy." Mike said flatly. Steve bit back a chuckle at how adorably high Mikes voice was right now. "Alright baby. How does a bottle sound when we get home?" Steve offered. Mike lit up at that and nodded happily. Steve smiled a bit and turned into his driveway.

After years of arguing, his parents had finally moved out of Hawkins and left him the house. As much as Steve didn't really want to stay in the house he hated growing up, Robin was currently living with him and he even had a bedroom for Max and Dustin when there was too much going on at home for them. Plus a room for all the kids regression stuff.

"Alright bud. Let's get inside and get you something to eat." Steve said as he stepped out of the car and opened the door for Mike. Mike stepped out and tried to walk, but stumbled a bit. Steve quickly scooped him up and kissed the boys head. Mike looked at Steve, shocked for a minute. However, Steve just casually carried him in.

Mike slowly leaned his head on Steve shoulder, and for the first time in a while, just relaxed. His regression was still pretty new, not even Nancy or Will knew about it. It felt nice to have someone care for him like this. God knows his parents never gave him affection like this. It was nice that Steve did.


"Yeah kiddo?"

"Tanks. Love you.." Mike mumbled the last part, but Steve heard it. It was taking all of Steve's power to not cry right then and there. Steve gently ran a hand through the boys hair and kissed his forehead one more time. "I love you too, baby. You can always come to me for this."

This is a duo that I didn't even think about, but now love

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⏰ Last updated: May 24, 2023 ⏰

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