Accidents Happen - Little!Billy x CG!Steve

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Steve Harrington has seen a lot of things.

He's seen monsters, other worlds, and even a real life superhero. He's seen love and he's even had kids of his own. If you count adopting traumatized middle school kids having kids of your own, but Steve does. To put it in short, you'd imagine that nothing really phased Steve anymore.

However, he was not ready to see Billy Hargrove, one of the worst kids to ever go to Hawkins High in history, in the locker room with wet pants and tears.

"Uh..Billy?" Steve asked, looking from side to side. Billy jerked his head up and stared at Steve. He started to shake and cry more. Steve was pretty sure at this point, he was struggling to breathe. Steve may not have liked Billy at all, but he could just sense something was off. Like Billy actually really needed him right now.

"Hey, hey. It's okay dude, it's okay. I won't tell anyone, I promise. You wanna tell me what happened?" Steve asked, crouching in front of Billy. Billy tried to get the words out through his sobs, but he just choked more on his tears. "Shh...take a breather. In and out." Steve said softly.

Billy tried to do what Steve was telling him. He wanted to listen to Steve. But he just couldn't through the crying. Steve muttered an 'ok' and looked around for people. He doubted Billy would want anyone to see him like this. So, Steve needed to get the boy breathing and out of there. Steve sat on the bench Billy was on, and pulled the sobbing boy into him lap.

"Hey. Listen to me Billy. I need you to breathe. Follow me, okay?" Steve instructed. Steve took a few deep breaths and Billy followed, beginning to breathe normally. "There you go. Good job.." Steve said softly. Billy sniffled and cuddled into Steve, clinging to his shirt.

" wanna tell me what happened?" Steve asked with a small smile to try and soothe Billy. Billy nuzzled his face into Steve's neck and shrugged. "'M lil....nah s'posed to be lil....Neil....Neil mad...h-hwurt me.." Billy said as more tears formed. "Oh Billy..." Steve said quietly. The poor boy and regressed at school since he couldn't at home.

"It's okay, bud. Listen, I wouldn't mind taking care of you for a bit, if you're okay with it. You can be little around me kiddo." Steve said. Billy looked up at him for a minute and nodded furiously. Steve smiled softly and kissed Billy's forehead. "Alright sweetheart. Let's get you changed." Steve said while standing with Billy on his hip.

Billy turned red and hid his face. "Hey, it's okay bub. I don't mind. Accidents happen, and there's no reason to feel embarrassed." Steve reassured Billy, taking him to the little side of the locker room. After people started getting classified in schools, little rooms started getting added to help in case a student regressed on accident.

Once Steve got Billy settled on the carpet with a toy, he rummaged through a few drawers and managed to find a fresh diaper and a pair of clean clothes. Steve quickly had Billy lay down and changed the boy out of his soggy clothes, wiping him down and taping the diaper closed. "Dada!" Billy said through mid changing.

Steve's head jerked up. "What'd you say kiddo?.." Steve asked softly while wrestling Billy's kicking legs into some sweatpants. "Dada, look!" Billy said, holding up his lion stuffy. "I see that bud! What's his name?" Steve said, going along with the whole 'Dada' thing. Billy shrugged as Steve pulled him up and helped Billy into a t-shirt.

"Then I guess we'll have to think of one!" Steve smiled as he lifted Billy onto his hip. "Alright baby, you wanna try to go to Dada's for a bit? Would that be okay?" Steve asked while bouncing Billy and putting their things together. "Yeah! Dada's!" Billy chirped. "Okay then. You need anything before we leave sweetheart?" Steve asked.

Billy shook his head and laid his head on Steve's shoulder. Steve nodded and grabbed their stuff. He kissed Billy's forehead, and walked out of the locker room. All he really needed to worry about right now is people seeing Billy. Thankfully, it was after school hours, so Steve doubted really anyone would be there.

Steve was quick, and speed walked through the halls with Billy on his hip. Billy was occupied with his lion, so he was pretty quiet, which made things that much easier. Steve made it to his car and opened the back, dumping both his and Billy's things in the seat. He then opened the passenger seat and strapped Billy in, with Billy protests.

"I know, I know baby...don't worry, Dada's still here, he's not leaving." Steve said, placing a kiss on Billy's head. Billy seemed content with that. Steve walked over to the drivers seat and opened the door. "Ready to go sweetheart?" Steve asked with a smile. "Mhm!" Billy smiled. Steve brushed a bit of hair from Billy's eyes and started the car with a smile.

Maybe he was wrong to hate Billy.

Kinda short, but whatever! Hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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