Alone Time - CG!Will x Little!Fem!Reader

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All I have to say is...W I L LBtw, the Byers never moved in this, since I'm still in denial about that

Will smiled down at you as he painted his newest project. He was watching you at the moment, and the second you Aw him painting, you decided that was what you'd hold be doing today.

"Whatcha making, sweetheart?" Will asked softly. You looked up at him and giggled covering the painting without touching it. "Is a su'prise." You said. Will chuckled and nodded, placing a kiss on your nose. You were always such a sweet little girl to him.

"Okay, but we need to finish up soon. Mike's dropping Ellie off soon." Will said as he stroked his brush on the painting. "Oh.." You said quietly. You really didn't want to hurt El's feelings, but you were really excited to have Will to yourself. You'd really missed your caregiver with school, family, and how Will had just been so secretive lately.

You didn't understand why though.

Will noticed how you seemed to deflate when he said he'd be watching El along with you. "Y/N? Everything okay, lovely?" Will asked softly. He knelt down to where you were sitting. You avoided his eyes and glared at the floor. Will raised an eyebrow and gently rested a hand on your shoulder.

Just then, the doorbell rang. Will let out a small groan and stood, picking you up as well. You let him reluctantly and pulled on your hair a bit. You always did that when you were nervous.

Will set you down on the couch and gently pulled your hand from your hair. "No pulling honey. It's bad for you," Will said, kissing your forehead. You nodded and tried to keep your hands from your hair. Will walked over to the front door and opened it. Mike stood there, El as well, both of them smiling at him.

You could hear indistinct talking, but you paid no mind. All you could think about was how you were losing Will again. You hadn't had really little time with him in forever! Why did Will have to watch El? Max probably could've watched her, or Dustin even! Anger bubbled up in your chest slowly.

This was so unfair. All you wanted was some time with Will, and now you were never gonna have it!

Angry tears formed. You just wanted Will. Why couldn't people just leave the two of you alone for a little while? For some relaxing time! You sniffled and choked back a small sob. The tears fell down your cheeks as you wiped at them furiously. You looked over to the door, and what you saw next made you even more upset.

Will was holding El, and placed a kiss on her nose. That was your thing. Not El's!

You looked away and felt more tears form. You wanted to be mad, but all you felt was sadness. You didn't want to lose Will, but it felt like you were. Then an awful thought came to mind. Maybe he didn't want to take care of you anymore. Maybe he liked El and the others better. You felt more tears fall, unable to hear Will shutting the door and walking over.

Will walked in, and stared at you fro a moment. "Uh, Ellie, can you stay in here and watch T.V for a minute? Y/N and I need a minute." Will asked. El nodded and gave you a sad look. Will set her down, turned on the T.V, and took you into his room.

He sat you down on the bed and kneeled in front of you. "Y/N, what's going on? Are you okay, did something happen-" "No!" You yelled. Will stopped mid sentence and stared at you for a minute. He felt a tantrum coming on. You suddenly burst into loud sobs and held your face in your hands.

Will immediately sat on the bed and pulled you into his lap. "Y/N, sweet girl, what's wrong?" Will asked. You tried to speak, but you just couldn't. "Deep breathes, honey." Will said softly. He gently rubbed your back, demonstrating your breathing technique. You followed, and sniffled miserably.

"Now. Can you tell me what happened, bunny?" Will asked in a calm tone. "I...I wanted to play wit need ta watch Ellie.." You whimpered out. You then pointed to your deserted painting, and Will looked over. He was close enough to grab it, and pulled it over.

The painting showed a picture of the two of you, together. And more importantly, it was just the two of you. Will tried not to tear up a bit. Seeing you upset was bad enough, but knowing how you'd just been keeping this bottled up broke his heart. "Oh Y/N..." Will muttered.

He pulled you closer and peppered your face with kisses. You sniffled and smiled a bit leaning into him. "Sweet girl, why didn't you say anything? I would've made time for you.." Will said softly.

"Didn't wanna bug you.." You mumbled. "Y/N! You will never, ever bother me. I love you so much, okay? Okay?" Will said. You nodded and kissed his nose. Will smiled and sniffled as well, holding you close. The two of you just sat there for a while, before Will patted your back.

"Alright honey. Ellie needs us." He said. You nodded a bit glumly. "Hey. I'll tell you what. I can try to out Ellie down a little earlier, and while she naps, we can have some us time, okay?" Will compromised. You nodded and gave him a small smile. Will smiled back at you and kissed you nose, taking you into the other room.

I forget how sweet cg Will is. Anyways, I have big plans for the next chapter and I'm happy to say it'll be out tonight or tmrw. So until them, have a great day/night!
- Zoe

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