Baby Mine- CG!Nancy x Little!Max

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TW: Contains abuse

Max cried softly as Neil pounded on her door, screaming for her to let him in. God, why did this have to happen? Why couldn't she have just been smarter and keep her head down? Now she made him angry, and an angry Neil isn't something to mess around with.

"Max! You little piece of shit, open this goddamn door!" Neil yelled. Max let out more whimpers as she curled up in a corner. She quivered as she hesitantly grabbed her walkie off her dresser, and shrank back into said corner.

She tried not to think about the stinging in her cheek from when he hit her. Or her throbbing wrist from when he yanked it. Or how she was having trouble breathing and- wow, maybe she shouldn't be ignoring this.

"N-Nancy?" Max whimpered out between breaths. She waited for what felt like hours before Nancy finally answered the walkie. "Max? What's wrong, you okay?" Nancy's voice was full of static, but Max had never heard something more beautiful.

"M-Mama, it's Neil! H-He found it 'm little! Please help Mama!" Max cried into the walkie. "Oh, Max, baby, breathe. It's going to be okay, Mama promises. Listen, I'll be there in 3 minutes, okay? Think you can make it?" Nancy said, a bit frantically at that. Max could hear her getting a coat and running down the stairs. "U-Um....yeah..." Max said quietly, getting smaller by the minute.

"Why don't you grab your bag lovely? And anything else you want to bring." Nancy said, trying to keep her voice light. It was getting harder and harder to hide her panic. Max whimpered out an 'okay' before grabbing her special little bag, and her favorite blanket.

"It'll be alright sweet girl, I promise." Nancy said again. Max nodded and closed her eyes, willing herself to be somewhere else while squeezing her sunflower blanket tightly. She couldn't really hear any banging on the door, but she could hear Neil screaming at her mother now. Max felt bad for getting her mom in trouble, but she was just to little to comprehend it all.

Max was snapped out of her thoughts by knocking on her window. She jumped up and too the window, where Nancy was waiting. She was smiling softly at the girl, but fear was evident in her eyes. "Cmon, gorgeous girl. Come to Mama." Nancy said, holding her hands out for Max to jump into and she did just that.

Nancy held Max close, kissing her face and running to the car, Max on her hip. Nancy sat Max in the front seat, ignoring her protests, and running to the other side of the car before getting in the drivers seat.

"It'll all be okay baby...we're going home, where you can have a bath, a nice bottle and be Mama's sweet little does that sound?" Nancy asked. Max held her cheek and nodded through tears. It broke Nancy's heart to see her this way.

Pretty soon, Nancy pulled into the driveway. Thankfully, everyone in the family aside from Nancy and Mike were in Sesame Street Land. Nancy had never been so thankful her parents took Holly somewhere her entire life. Nancy gently lifted Max up, and held her in her arms as she walked inside.

"Alright bubs. How does a hot bath sound?" Nancy asked softly. Max nodded and sniffled, letting out a small hiccup. Nancy kissed her nose, and walked up to the bathroom.

Thankfully, Max didn't put up a fight and let Nancy undress her and lower into the bath tub once the bath was drawn. Nancy also made sure to add extra bubbles for the smaller girl. "Mama! Bubbles!" Max said excitedly. "I see that honey! Aren't they fun?" Nancy chuckled. Max nodded and began to play with them.

While Max and her fun in the bubbles, Nancy was able to get a good look at her baby's wrist and cheek. It hurt Nancy to think that Max had to go through this, just for being herself. Her Maxie didn't deserve that.

Soon enough, the water was becoming could. "Alright, love. Say bye-bye to the bubbles. We're gonna go get something to eat, okay?" Nancy said, lifting her little into her arms with a towel. Max snuggled into the older girl and waved to the bubbles miserably. Nancy chuckled and kissed Max's head before taking her to her bedroom.

Nancy quickly changed Max into a onesie and diaper, ignoring how Max squirmed. That just showed Max was going back to normal when little. Nancy quickly lifted Max up and blew a raspberry on her cheek. Max laughed and pulled away. "Mama!" She yelled.

"Sorry baby. Your just too cute!" Nancy said, nuzzling Max's cheek. The two then made their way downstairs where Nancy started to prepare a bottle. It was difficult, with one hand, but Nancy managed. Max was currently babbling while chewing on her blanket, which she'd brought down.

"So talkative today.." Nancy giggled while grabbing the bottle. However, she also grabbed some ice for Max's wrist and cheek. Nancy sat on the couch and began to feed Max, making sure she kept the ice pack on her cheek while Max held the other to her wrist. Max suckled happily as she stared up at Nancy.


"Yeah sweetheart?"


Nancy chuckled softly. "Of course honey. Anything for my sweet little girl." Nancy said softly. With that, she begin to sing 'Baby mine' quietly. Max cooed to the song and cuddled into Nancy, falling asleep. Nancy kissed her forehead, continuing the song and rocking the girl gently.

Soooo..been a while heh. Sorry for not updating guys, it's just been a crazy last few weeks for me. My birthdays really close to Christmas, so I've had a lot of shit going on. But I'm back, and I hope you all had a great holiday!
- Zoe

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