Angel - CG!Nancy x Little!Reader

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You woke up with a loud scream, tears streaming down your face as you struggled to breath. All you could think about was the horrible nightmare you'd just had. It was awful, purely awful. Instead of Max being taken by Vecna, Nancy was. Nancy Wheeler. Otherwise, known as your mama. Now that was the worst nightmare you could have.

You slowly looked around and let out soft sobs. You quickly got out of bed and tried to walk, only to see your legs had turned to jello. You fell to the ground, letting out a loud yelp as your knee made contact with a hard-cover book you accidentally left there. You immediately pulled yourself up and looked at your knee, watching the blood fall.

You let out whimpers and crawled/limped to the phone you'd kept in your bedroom in case of emergencies. You quickly dialed your mamas number and prayed that she'd answer. "Hello?.." the groggy voice of your mama answered. "M-Mama...need you.." You choked out. "Oh baby, it's okay, it's alright. Mama will be there really soon okay? Can you tell her what happened?" Nancy asked softly. You heard the jingle of keys in the background, meaning she was on her way.

"O-Otay...N-Nighmar a-an...mama got hwurt..." You said through your tears that just kept falling. "Oh sweetheart, it's alright. Mamas okay, and so are you." Nancy said calmly.

You let out another cry. "Mama...'m nah otay..." You said softly. You could hear Nancy's breath hitch. "Baby...what did you just say?" Nancy asked softly. "Got a little boo boo..on my knee.." You said finally. Nancy let out a sigh of relief, confusing you. "Why you happy?" You asked. "Honey, I'm just glad it's only a little boo boo." Nancy said. Thankfully, you also heard the car turn off., meaning she was in the drive way.

"Alright honey. I'll be inside in a few seconds. No parents I'm guessing?" Nancy said. You thought for a moment and realized your parents had gone out on vacation for the weekend. Man, we're you happy when you remembered. It would be difficult to explain as to why you were screaming and crying with a cut on your knee at 3:00am.

All of a sudden, your light turned on and Nancy was running over to you. She immediately pulled you into ehr arms and rocked you. She kissed your head lovingly and whispered sweet nothings into you ear. "It's alright, darling. Mamas here, she's right here. Your alright love." Nancy said softly.

You sniffled and nodded. Nancy gently lifted you up and started to walk towards the bathroom. You cuddled close to her as she walked and gently bounced you.

Once there, she quickly sat you down on the toilet seat and took out your little gear. You tended to be a bit of a clumsy little and you weren't a stranger to boo boos. However, that didn't really make things any easier. Nancy pulled out a two kids bandaid packages and held them up. She also grabbed your special bunny stuffy and gave it to you. "Bears or Ducky's baby?" Nancy asked. "Bears..." You said quietly, holding onto your bunny tightly as Nancy put the bandage on.

"Alright little one. Let's get you a bottle, and then back to bed." Nancy said softly. Nancy lifted you up and held you on her hip as she walked downstairs to grab you a bottle.

Once there, Nancy sat on on the counter and gently rubbed your back. You let out a tired yawn and smiled at her sleepily. Nancy smiled softly and kissed your head. "Mama has such a tired baby, doesn't she?" Nancy said, moving her hand to your face. You cooed and started to fiddle with her shirt.

Nancy pinched your cheek a bit and started to make you some angel milk. She knew it was your favorite, so she'd managed to perfect her recipe. Nancy then walked back upstairs, bottle in one hand and you in the other. Nancy kissed your cheek as she walked up the stairs and bounced you a bit. You giggled softly and laid your head on her shoulder.

Once you both made it to your room, Nancy sat down on the bed and held you in her lap. She kissed your face softly and prompted you up to drink. You latched on quickly and drank the bottle as you listened to the sound of her heartbeat and soft humming. Nancy gently rocked you and once you finished, took the bottle out of your mouth.

She then laid you down and got down right next to you. She pulled the blanket over both of you, as well as grab your favorite stuffy. Nancy gently rubbed your back as she placed a few soft kisses on your head. "Get some sleep, little one." Nancy said. You nodded and felt her putting a pacifier in your mouth. You gently sucked as you peacefully fell asleep.

Sorry that took so long. The next chapter will probably be on little!billy. Anyway, hope you liked it!
- Zoe

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