Skating with Mama - CG!Angela x Little!Fem!Reader

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Guess whose not dead? This is very overdue and I'm sorry it took so long

Angela finished lacing up your roller skates and patted your knee. "Alright baby. All done." Angela said, standing up. You giggle and held her hands as she pulled both of you up and placed a number of kisses on your face. Angela smiled at your cuteness and gently pulled you over to the ring.

Angie was always a good Mama to you. Sure, she tended to bully other kids, btu she had her reasons! For starters, her mother wasn't exactly...there. Not to mention her busy father, who spent more time at work than at home. Life wasn't easy for Angela. And sometimes, it just made her feel the tiniest bit better to bully others a bit.

However, you were getting that under control. You knew that for you, she'd dial it down a bit. Except with that Jane girl. You'd always felt bad for Jane, but Angela didn't. For some reason, Angie just never liked Jane Hopper.

Underneath it all though, she was a good person. And your Mama. No one would believe it, but Angela had started dating a girl and was also that girls caregiver. You would thank the Lord every day that that girl was you. Angela was always so kind and sweet to you, letting you do sports with her, coloring, and more.

Right now, you were doing your favorite thing.

Roller Skating.

Angela held your hands tightly and smiled brightly at you as you skated with her. "Mama, 'm doin it!" You said happily. "Yeah you are baby, and I'm so proud of you!" Angela said as she giggled a bit. You laughed with her and squeezed her hands.

"You wanna do a spin, princess?" Angela asked as you two rounded a corner. You nodded eagerly and felt her maneuver you so you could do a twirl. "You ready sweet girl?" Angela asked. "Ready Mama!" You chirped back as she spun you. You let out a small squeal as your Mama twirled you and kissed your head once she finished.

"Oh, my baby's so talented!" Angela said proudly as she pulled you around. You giggled and let out a quiet 'thank you'. "And polite too? Oh, I must have the best little girl in the whole wide world!" Angela said. You blushed and smiled brightly at your Mama. "An' I gots the best Mama," You said with a blush.

Angela's face softened and she blinked away tears. "Thank you, honey." Angela said softly. "Now. Is my sweet little girl hungry?" Angela asked with playful seriousness. You giggled for the tenth time that day and nodded. "Alright then. Let's head to the snack bar!" Angela said. You let out a small whine in response.

"But Mama! I wanna skate more..." You said quietly. Angela gave you a little look and sighed. "Alright baby. You win. Ten more minutes, and then we're gonna get something in that little belly of yours." Angela said in a firm, yet soft voice. "Thank you, Mama." You said happily as she pulled you around.

The ten minutes went by fast, and soon you found yourself waiting in line for something to eat. "What do you think you want, princess?" Angela asked while looking up at the menu. "Um...uh..." You muttered out. "It's alright if you don't know yet hon. You have time." Angela said, squeezing your hand lightly. You smiled at her and went back to the menu.

Pretty soon, the two of you stood up front and Angela had placed her order. "And what would you want little lady?" The cashier asked. "U-Um...I....uh..." You choked out. You knew what you wanted, but the words weren't coming out. You tried asking again, but it was just more and more mumbles.

"Y/N, honey, can you tell Mama what you want?" Angela whispered in your ear. You nodded and whispered what you wanted back to her. "She'll have the cheese fries, please." Angela asked. You nodded shyly and hid in your Mama's shoulder. The cashier quietly rung you both up and gave a buzzer for when the food was ready.

Angela let you go over to pick the table, and once you did, you both sat down. "You alright, baby?" Angela asked softly. " nervous..." You muttered. Angela nodded in understanding and kissed your cheek. "Well that's alright, honey. We all get nervous sometimes. But you can always count on Mama to help you, okay?" Angela said. You nodded and nuzzled into her.

Angela may not have been perfect. Far from it, to be honest, but she was in your eyes. She just needed to see that bullying wasn't the way to get rid of stress. However, she was still your perfect Mama and you wouldn't trade her for anything in the big, wide, world.

A little shorter, but I hope y'all can forgive that. Anyway, so it's been a while. I've been meaning to update, but schools just been really crazy and sometimes I'm just to tired. However, I'm still trying to get chapters out for you guys. I love you all so much, and I'm sorry if you've requested and it hasn't come out yet. But it's on its way!
- Zoe

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