Try Before You Deny - Little!Jonathon x CG!Nancy + Feat.Argyle

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Just a stupid little idea I had at 3 am. Also, I have absolutely no idea show to write Argyle and this may get deleted after a few days lol

"Cmon little dude! Have a trial before denial!" Argyle said, shoving pizza in a little Jonathons face. "No!" Jonathon giggled as he backed away from the veggie pizza. "Argyle, he's not gonna eat it." Nancy said with a soft smile on her face. "Uh. Never say never my man's woman." Argyle replied.

Nancy laughed a bit and shook her head. Jonathon always loved it when Argyle came to play with him when little. Even though he tended to rile Jonathon up quite a bit. "Jon, baby, it's good. See, Mama likes it!" Nancy said while taking a bite of the pizza. Jonathon wrinkled his nose and shook his head, giggling.

"Listen to the woman, little brochacho. She speaks the truth!" Argyle insisted, making Jonathon laugh more. Nancy smiled and gently ran a hand through her boys soft hair.

Jonathon had always been a quiet little. He liked to just sit and do a puzzle instead of going out and playing with other littles. However, Nancy never minded. Jonathon was her special little boy and she'd never judge him. Even if he tended to be a bit antisocial. But that's just him, and she loved him.

"Such a picky little eater." Nancy giggled. Jonathon gasped and looked at Nancy. "No 'm not!" Jonathon said with a few more giggles. "Mmm afraid the woman has a point little dude. I mean, vegan is one of the best pies I've ever had the pleasure of piecing together." Argyle said. Jonathon jutted out a lip and let out a 'hmph'.

"Hey. We're just teasing, honey." Nancy said. Jonathon still pouted and stared at the pizza with a determined look. "He's got the look, man." Argyle whispered. Nancy raised an eyebrow and looked at Jonathon with a smile. "You wanna try it baby?" Nancy asked softly.

Jonathon nodded and pointed to the fork and knife. Nancy nodded in understanding and cut up a piece for Jonathon. "Ohhh he's going for it.." Argyle said with a smile. Nancy feed the boy a small piece and Jonathon seemed to like it.

"You like it, sweetheart?" Nancy asked with a smile. Jonathon nodded and went for another piece. "Good." Jonathon muttered while stuffing his face. "What's I tell you brochachos? Try before you deny!" Argyle said proudly. Nancy smiled at both of them and took a bite of her own food.

Argyle was eccentric to say in the least, but Jonathon loved him. Plus, Argyle did manage to help Nancy with Jonathon without Jonathon realizing it. Sure, Nancy told him to do that sort of thing. You think Argyle just randomly chose to give Jonathon veggie pizza? This was Nancy's way of taking care of Jonathon through Argyle.

So to say in the least, Argyle was actually a big help to her with little Jonathon. "Mama?" Jonathon asked quietly. "Yeah baby?" Nancy said with a soft smile. "Ice cream?" Jonathon asked. "....a small ice cream, okay?" Nancy said, grabbing her purse. Jonathon smiled brightly and had one more bite of pizza.

"Well, apparently someone wants ice cream." Nancy said, tapping Jonathons nose and making the boy giggle. "Sounds good to me my dudes. I'll catch you later little man." Argyle said with his signature Argyle smile. "Bye-Bye Arg!" Jonathon said as Nancy helped him out of the booth.

Argyle put his pizza hat back on and walked over to the back. "Okay sweet boy. What ice cream are we getting?" Nancy asked, while walking out, Jonathons hand in hers. "Uh...vanilla!" Jonathon cheered. "Oooo vanilla! Sounds yummy baby!" Nancy said happily. "Yeah!" Jonathon said happily.

"Alright Jonny. In the car we go." Nancy chirped. She opened the passenger door and strapped Jonathon in the car, kissing his cheek. "Mama!" Jonathon giggled. "What? Mama can't love her baby?" Nancy asked playfully. Jonathon giggled and shook his head. Nancy walked around and quickly got into the car.

"Alright baby boy. Ice cream time!" Nancy said. Jonathon giggled as Nancy put in a mix tape that she made just for him.

VERY short but whatever

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