This is why we need to be careful - Little!Robin x CG!Vicky

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Robin was always a rather clumsy baby to say in the least.

Her arms and legs were covered in looney tunes themed bandaids, bruises that were a selection of colors, and she was never really careful. But that didn't stop her from having fun. Robin wouldn't allow that. Even though sometimes, she could really scare Vicky. Robin would still play with her toys, even if she ended up breaking her arm.

So imagine Vicky's surprise when she heard a thump and a little Robin wailing hysterically.

Vicky sighed as she grabbed her first aid kit and jogged down stairs to the living room. Robin was sobbing while looking down at her bleeding arm. It amazed Vicky how this hadn't even phased her. When she was little too! That was one thing the two would never have in common. However, apparently blood was something that did bother her.

Robin had never gotten a boo boo like this. She'd never expire ever what it was like to see...blood. And she did not like it with every fiber of her being. Robin looked up at Vicky when she heard her enter the living room and reached for the ginger.

"I know, Rob. But it's okay. Vi-Vi will fix it, I promise baby." Vicky said as she sat down next to Robin and took a look at the taller girls arm. Robin had definitely cut it pretty good. Vicky tried to move the girl onto the couch, but Robin started freaking out and screaming that she would fall again.

"Robin, Robin, you're not gonna fall, I promise." Vicky said in a calm voice, trying to sooth her little and girlfriend. "No!" Robin said, pushing away from the couch. Vicky sighed and grabbed the first aid kit and decided to just patch Robin up on the floor. "How'd this even happen bubs?" Vicky asked. Robin averted her gaze and sniffled miserably.

Vicky nodded in understanding. Robin hadn't just fallen from trying to get up. She'd fallen from jumping on the couch like a maniac, even though it was a big rule to not jump on the couch. Vicky would lecture her later though. Right now, Robin needed her.

Vicky wasn't sure how, since there were no sharp edges, yet Robin seemed to find a way. Vicky tried not to smile at the fact that Robin could always find a way to get hurt, even in the safest situation.

However, what she was doing at the time wasn't really that safe. Jumping on the couch to be precise. Not to mention it was one of Vicky's rules that couch jumping is a no-no, unless there are pillows on the floor. Even then, Vicky doesn't always let Robin jump.

"Vi-Vi?" Robin asked, wiping her nose. "Yeah sweetheart?" Vicky asked while bandaging up Robins cut. " 'M I in twouble?" Robin asked. Vicky let out a small sigh and thought about it.

Sure, no jumping was a rule. A big one when you think about it. But Robin clearly wasn't going to do it again. The girl refused to even get near the couch! "You're not gonna get punished...I think this was punishment enough." Vicky said, glancing up at the still sniffling Robin. Robin cheered a little before Vicky looked up again.

"But. Now do you see why I don't want you jumping on the couch?" Vicky asked. Robin looked away and nodded. "Robin, it's not that I don't want you to have fun or that I don't think you're not careful. I just worry. It's my job after all. I don't need my special little girl getting hurt. And when I heard those broke my heart Rob." Vicky said, resting her forehead on Robins.

Robin looked up at her and sniffled a little. "I sowwy...Vi-Vi right." Robin said, holding back from saying Mama. She didn't think they were quite there yet. However, she knew Vicky probably wouldn't even care at this point. Vicky gently tilted Robins face up to look at her.

The ginger smiled softly and kissed Robins nose before blowing a raspberry on her cheek. Robin shrieked and squealed, trying to I get away from her caregiver, who was pulling her close. Robin loved it when Vicky was silly with her like this!

Vicky laughed as well and let Robin go, grabbing the first aid kit. "I need to go put this away. Can you stay here for two minutes?" Vicky asked. Robin nodded and smiled brightly at Vicky, who returned the smile before jogging upstairs. Robin quickly crawled over to the coffee table and started to work on her new secret project. She grabbed the crayons and paper, and started her masterpiece.

This was gonna be the perfect card for Vicky, aka her new Mama.

This was such a cute request...and I will be doing a pt 2 once I get through a few more of my drafts! Anyway, more chapters on the way, have a great day/night!
- Zoe

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