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Five years later
In the hospital
Yash: doctor how is my mother?

Doctor: She is fine now but her condition is critical. We are giving her medication. Please don't make her stress or sad. She needs rest and peace.

Yash: okay. Can we meet her now?

Doctor: yes. But don't make her hyper like last time otherwise we might not be able to save her this time.

Yash: thank you doctor.

Yash looks at imlie.

Yash: imlie did you hear what the doctor said?

Imlie: yes. I'm sorry for aunty's condition. Don't worry. She will be fine.

Yash: be my wife imlie.

Imlie: What😳

Yash: yes. Please. My mother thinks that you are my wife that's why she became excited. She wants me to get married imlie but you know that's not possible. If I tell her now that you are not my wife she will again get shock and if something happens to her I can never  forgive myself. Please Do it for my mother's sake.

Imlie: But

Yash: please imlie. Tumhari bachcho ki kasam.

Imlie: Yash sir. How can you say like this? You are using my kids as your pawn now?

Yash: No I'm sorry. I didn't mean that. Just act to be my wife for some days. No one knows us here. We'll go back to Bangalore after few days. Only here in front of my mother pretend to be my wife. You have saved me from my girlfriends also right? Then why not here for my Ma?

Imlie: that's different Yash. They were your girlfriends. This is your mother. We should not lie to mother.

Yash: my mother is a heart patient imlie. I promise I'll tell her when she gets better.

Imlie: okay. But you will tell her the truth.

Yash hugs imlie: thanks imlie.

Imlie: let's go inside.

Imlie cries: How can you do this Yash. I'm your wife and you are having affair here?

Girl: Yash baby who is this girl? What is she saying? Are You married 🥺

Yash: Sorry Ria. Yes I am married.

Ria: it's okay. I don't have any problem. We can still date right.

Imlie cries: Yash 😭

Yash screams: No we can't. I have kids also.

Imlie/Ria: what😳

Yash: Yes. Iyan and Ishika. Say imlie.

Imlie: hmm yes yes. We have kids also😭

Ria: Yash baby🥺 you cheated me. I'll never forgive you.

Imlie: but you are still calling him baby😢

Ria: oh. Habit🥺

Imlie: it's okay Ria baby. I can understand you. Turu lob cannot be forgotten. You cannot forget your Yash baby so easily. I'm sure your Yash baby will remember you too🥺

Yash: imlie 😠

Ria: you are so sweet imlie 🥺. Yash baby you are lucky to have imlie. But I won't forgive you. You have to text me sorry 10k times then I will only talk to you.

Imlie: Don't worry Ria. Your Yash baby will surely understand your love one day and send you sorry. I will count the 10k sorry myself. Promise 🥺

Ria: Thank you imlie. Bye🥺 Bye Yash baby 🥺

Imlie: Bye from Yash baby too Ria baby 🥺

Yash: imlie what were you doing 😡

Imlie laughs: Hahahaha. By the way your Ria baby was not bad. You could have dated her longer 🤣

Yash: do I look crazy? I was okay with gifting diamonds. But she's asking for kaleri now.

Imlie: that's sweet. i think that She wants to marry you 😂

Yash: No way. I don't want to marry anyone.

Imlie: your choice. But if you ever think about your Ria baby then please inform me beforehand. I have to mentally prepare myself for counting 10k sorry.🤣

Yash: Shut Up imlie. Your today's salary is cut.😡

Imlie: O hello. I saved you from that girl. You cannot cut my salary. Otherwise I will call your Ria baby and text the 10k sorry myself 🤣

Yash: You are such an evil 😡

Yash's phone ring.

Yash: hello
what? Okay I'm coming via next flight.

Imlie: is everything okay?

Yash: my mother is in hospital imlie. We have to go to Delhi.

Imlie: Delhi?🥺

Yash: yes.

Imlie: I don't want to go to Delhi Yash. You go. I'll take care of the company here.

Yash: No imlie. Ma is very sick. I might have to stay there for a month or more. I'll need my assistant. You go pack your and the children's belongings. We'll go tonight. It will be a trip for Iyan and Ishika also.

Imlie: only Sita Maya knows what she has kept in our destiny.

Yash: Let your Sita Maya decide that. Please tell her to keep my Ma safe.


Yash: Ma how are you feeling now?

Ma: I'm fine bachcha. I'm so happy that you got married. But I'm sad that you didn't tell me.

Yash: actually ma everything happened suddenly. I didn't have the courage to tell you.

Ma to imlie: how are you dear?

Imlie: I'm fine aunty.

Ma: aunty? Call me ma.

Imlie: no I'm comfortable with calling you aunty.

Ma: how long have you two been married?

Yash: five years

Ma: what? Yash you are married for five years and you did not tell me?

Yash: sorry ma. I was worried about your health. 

Ma: okay. I'll forgive you only for Imlie's sake. Do you have kids?

Yash: yes. Two. A boy and a girl.

Ma: so sweet. Where are they?

Yash: they are in hotel. I'll bring them tomorrow when we take you home.

Ma: Ha that reminds me your masi will come tomorrow. She's requesting me to stay in her house.

Yash: okay. We will go to their house then. It will be good. If you stay in their house you won't feel lonely anymore.

Ma: this is my son Yash and my daughter-in-law imlie. Imlie, this is my sister Narmada and her son Aryan. We will stay in their house.

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