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At night Mithee, Narmada, Sheetal, Arpita and imlie are chatting in the drawing room. Iyan and Ishika are sleeping in Imlie's lap.

Sheetal: you're very strong Mithee ji. You raised your daughter alone. It must have been difficult.

Mithee: yes it was. It makes me worry about my Imlie. How is she raising two kids when she herself is still a child.

Imlie smiles: yes at first it was hard. I used to lose hope sometimes. But then I would remember Amma. If she could be brave enough to raise me alone in that village then I can also raise my kids by myself.

Sheetal: by yourself? Why? Yash was also with you right?

Imlie stammers: oh.Yes. He used to be busy in office that's why.

Arpita: imlie how old are Iyan and Ishika?

Imlie: four and half.

Arpita: then how long have you been pregnant? You and Yash are married for five years right?

Imlie becomes nervous.

Narmada: did you have kids just after your marriage?

Imlie: yes.

Arpita: how did you two meet?

Imlie stays quiet.

Sheetal: Mithee ji didn't know Yash. Didn't you meet with your mom after marriage?

Imlie: no

Sheetal: why?

Imlie gets very nervous. Yash comes that time.

Yash: Ma leave it please. Why imlie did not meet with her mother is her personal matter. What will you do knowing about that? You should think about your health only.

Sheetal: but I just wanted to know. You didn't tell me when you've met imlie. I don't know anything about her. That's why I am asking.

Yash: No need Ma. What I know about imlie is enough for me. I don't need to know about her past if she doesn't want to tell. Let's just stay on present. Please.

Everyone keeps quiet.

Imlie: I'm taking the kids to the bedroom.

Yash: I'll help you.

Yash takes Iyan from imlie's lap. Both go to Imlie's bedroom and lay the kids on the bed.

Imlie: I should go back to Bangalore as soon as possible. Everyone will become suspicious if I stay longer.

Yash: yes. I also think so. Ma and others have started questioning. Your mother will ask too.

Imlie: I have told the truth to my Amma already. She knows that I'm not your wife. We are pretending to be husband-wife because of your mother's illness.

Yash: Oh. I'll arrange your ticket as soon as possible.

Imlie: thank you.

Yash: we have a meeting tomorrow morning. Be prepared.

Imlie: ok.

Yash turns to leave. They see Aryan is standing at the door.

Yash: Aryan bro, Tum yaha?

Aryan to Yash: your mother is calling you.

Yash: oh ok. I'll go.

Yash leaves. Aryan locks the door.

Imlie gets shocked and nervous.

Imlie: what are you doing? I'll go outside.

Aryan goes near imlie: baad mein. Pehle mujhse baat karo.

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