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In the morning everyone is having breakfast.

Sheetal: I'm happy that everyone is here together. It feels so lonely at home without you people.

Yash: Don't worry Ma. From now on I'll have you stay here with Narmada Masi so that you don't feel lonely anymore. And I'll make sure to pay you guys visit more often, promise.

Sundar: Yash, How long are you staying here?

Yash: A week maximum.

Narmada: That's very soon. Can't you stay longer?

Yash smiles: No Masi. We have already elongated out stay time. Now I need to return to work. The Bangalore office needs me.

Imlie: I'll have all the papers ready then. Tell me a date so that I can arrange the flight schedule beforehand.

Yash(awkwardly): Hm.

Arpita: what about you, imlie? Why don't you join in BT again? You can't work for Yash anymore, right?

Imlie (calmly) : I'll resume my work where I'm doing.

Everyone stares questioningly.

Yash laughs awkwardly: I've offered her to join our Mumbai branch.

Imlie looks at Yash. Aryan looks at imlie. Imlie doesn't say anything.

Aryan: what did imlie say? Did she agree to work here in Mumbai?

Iyan: Mamma I'm full.

Imlie thought if she should answer Aryan, then decided to ignore him.

Imlie: ok. I'll take you to the car.

Yash: imlie you can go with the kids.

Imlie: it's ok. They can survive without me.

Imlie takes the kids outside. Aryan gets up and goes outside, Yash stops him.

Yash: Aryan.

Aryan: Yes?

Yash: I want to talk to you about something.

Aryan (busily): Now? I'm in a hurry right now. Can we talk after I come back?

Yash: it's about imlie.

Aryan stops: What about her?

Yash: Imlie did not accept the Mumbai branch offer.

Aryan (confused): Oh. Then? But she said that she wants to resume her work here.

Yash: not here. Imlie said she wants to go back to Bangalore.

Aryan(shocked): Did she say that herself?

Yash: yes.

Aryan: So this was her plan. She pretended to be here then leave with my kids to punish me.

Yash: Don't think so shallow of her, Aryan. I think you should talk to her and solve the misunderstanding. Don't let your ego come between your relationship or else you will lose her and the kids once again.

That day Aryan can hardly concentrate in his work. He's thinking about what Yash said. He doesn't know where he went wrong.  He decides to talk to imlie.

This much for today 💗

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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