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Robin drags her friends out of the room, then pushing the both of them into the back of the cart, while Dustin and Erica squeeze in front with Robin driving

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Robin drags her friends out of the room, then pushing the both of them into the back of the cart, while Dustin and Erica squeeze in front with Robin driving. Pushing her foot on the gas pedal, Steve and Ronnie go flying backwards against the door. 

"Jesus, slow down!" Steve groans. 

"Yeah, what is this, like the Indy 500?" Ronnie slurs.

"It's Indy 300." Steve argues, pointing at her, and she immediately smacks his leg. 

"No, dingus, it's 500!" 

"It's 300!" Steve barks back. 

"Let's say a million." Ronnie compromises calmly, then they both burst out laughing, nodding at each other in agreement.

"What is wrong with them?" Erica asks. 

"I don't know." Dustin answers. 

"Robin, watch out!" Erica shouts, as they slide into a few barrels in the hallway, making them completely stop. 

Ronnie and Steve colliding straight into the gate that blocked up the front from the back, groaning in pain. 

"That's gonna hurt in the morning." Ronnie winces. 

"I can't even feel my face." Steve adds. 

Once Dustin makes his way around, he opens the back gate, trying to make them get out, but they just lay there in pain. 

"Hey lovebirds, we got to go unless we want to die down here." Robin raises her voice. Her friends look at her, nodding quickly, pulling themselves out of the back of the cart, and into the elevator room. 

They find a long cart in the room, and Steve rushes over to it, jumping on top, while Ronnie holds onto the handles to keep him steady. As Robin swipes the keycard, the elevator moves up quickly, jerking them all around again. 

"Hey! You look like you're surfing!" Ronnie comments.

"Surfing, yeah!" 

They can't stop laughing, while Robin, Dustin and Erica stand there watching them confusedly.

"Why do they look drunk?" Robin asks. 

"I'm a natural, look!" Steve shouts, but then is jerked off of the cart, making him fly into a few boxes, landing on the ground, smiling at himself. 

"Wipe out!" Ronnie shouts, making her way over to him on the ground, laying next to him. 

Robin and Dustin crouch down by Steve, feeling his forehead, and looking into his swollen eyes.

"He's burning up." Dustin informs them. 

"You're burning up." Steve defends himself poorly. 

"His pupils are super dilated." Robin adds, making her way over to Ronnie, forcing her hands on her face to look at hers, nodding to Dustin and Erica, that Ronnie's are dilated too.

"Maybe, they're drugged." Erica suggests. 

Dustin pats Steve's face to wake him up more, and when Steve's eyes open, he laughs all over again. 

"Steve, were you drugged?" 

"How many times, Dad? I don't do drugs. It's only marijuana." Steve scoffs. 

"This isn't funny, I need to know what they did to you." Dustin sternly reasons. 

"I think that crazy looking doctor drugged us." Ronnie brings up, and looks at Steve booping his nose, and he laughs, doing it back to her. 

Ronnie stops listening when Dustin and Steve talk about Steve's car, and how his keys were gone. Instead, she sits up, holding Robin's face and smiles. 

"You're really pretty." Ronnie compliments, and Robin blushes, chuckling and slowly prying off her hands off of her face. 

They both laugh again, getting excited as the elevator stops, and they follow their sober friends out of the room, and outside. Letting out a deep breath of relief, finally feeling the fresh air. 

"Oh, my God, it feels so good out here." Ronnie comments, throwing her hands out, and spinning around, losing her balance, running into Steve who surprisingly catches her, as they both laugh.

"Shit!" Dustin shouts, running back towards the loading dock, as two Russian guards walk through the gate in the distance. 

Having to drag Ronnie and Steve with them back into the mall, into the back hallway. Robin runs in between Ronnie and Steve, holding onto their hands.

"We're holding hands!" Steve shouts, not able to contain their laughter, leading into a back entrance of the movie theater. 

"Where are we?" Ronnie inquires. 

"The movies." Robin answered annoyed. 

"Can we please get popcorn?" Ronnie adds, as she gets drug into one of the showings. Following Dustin down the aisle, and get shoved into a couple of seats. Ronnie sitting in between Robin and Steve, looking up at Dustin. 

"I don't wanna watch a movie." Steve comments quietly. 

"Don't watch it." Dustin replies. 

"We wanna watch it." Ronnie argues. 

"Then watch it!" Dustin whisper yells back, getting shushed by other people, she puts her hands up in defense, watching Dustin and Erica crouch walk to the other side of the theater. 

Steve and Ronnie quietly laughing, she looks over at him, seeing him shove a handful of popcorn in his mouth, and her mouth drops.

"Woah, where'd you get this?" Ronnie asks, pointing at the bag in his lap, and he shrugs, not remembering he grabbed a bag on top of the trashcan outside the room. He smiles, grabbing a few pieces and offering them to her mouth. 

After watching the movie for a while, Ronnie begins to smack her cotton mouth, from being dry from the popcorn, and gets up, walking back towards the doors. 

"Ronnie, where are you going?" Robin whisper yells, watching Steve get up without hesitation, dropping his bag of popcorn, following her. Robin looks over at Erica, who has her eyes on the screen, and rolls her eyes, deciding to follow her drugged up friends. 

"Water!" Ronnie moans, spotting the water fountain and running towards it, bending over to drink as much as she could. Rolling her eyes to the back of her head, feeling like it was the best water she's ever had. 

"Guys, we should go back in there." Robin insists, but they ignore her.

Ronnie stands up straight, pulling Steve towards her, and pushing him onto the water fountain, letting him get a taste. Hearing him moan of relief, leaning his body against the wall and he comes up for a breath of air. 

"That's amazing." Steve swallows. 

"It's my turn, you've had enough." Ronnie groans, grabbing Steve by the back of his shirt and tossing him aside. 

Chugging out of the fountain, Robin notices Steve take a few steps away, looking directly at the ceiling.

"Steve, you okay?" Robin asks inching towards him. 

"Y-You guys, you gotta check this out." 

She stumbles over to him, looking up at the ceiling as he points, Robin furrowing her brows as she looks up too and is unsure why they are so amazed. 

"This... The ceiling." 

"Oh, wow. It's so pretty." Ronnie comments, smiling, and takes a slow spin. 

"Like you." Steve whispers, looking down at her, catching each other's eyes, and started to feel completely nauseous for some reason. 

"That does not look good." Robin adds, and they both swallow, struggling to keep their balance and bee lining to the bathroom together. 

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