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It didn't take long for it to get dark in the woods, and it was not a good combination

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It didn't take long for it to get dark in the woods, and it was not a good combination. 

"He is going to trip if he doesn't slow down." Steve complains, pushing aside some tree branches so he and Ronnie could walk through. 

"No stopping him once something's got him riled up, you know that." Ronnie replies.

They're the last to walk past the last bunch of branches, looking out at a dark Lover's Lake. 

"Oh man. You gotta be shitting me." Steve complains, holding out his flashlight, as they step beside everyone. 

"Yep. I thought these woods were familiar." Eddie comments. 

"Lover's Lake." Robin confirms. 

"This is confounding." Dustin whispers. 

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max asks. 

"Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening. Maybe Vecna's the same way." Nancy mentioned. 

"Yeah, well, only one way to find out." Steve replied, pointing a little past Dustin at the edge of the water, with a boat covered up. 

Eddie and Steve push the boat onto the shore, Robin the first to step on, holding onto Steve's head to steady her as she gets on and Steve groans. Eddie getting on next, helping Nancy get on, then giving a hand for Ronnie. 

When Dustin tries to step on, Eddie puts his hand up. "Woah, woah, you trying to sink us? This thing holds four people, tops, okay?" 

It's better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for each other." Ronnie insists, walking towards the end of boat, closer to Dustin. 

"You keep an eye out." Dustin repeats, making Ronnie furrow her eyebrows at her cousin, but he just raises his brows as if he stuttered or something. 

"It's my goddamn theory." Dustin argues. 

"You heard Ron." Robin jumped in.

"Who made her in charge?" Dustin fires. 

"I did." Robin spits back quickly.

Ronnie holds out her hand in front of her cousin, and he sighs. "Compass." 

He sadly places the compass in her hands, taking a step back, and Steve tosses the backpack to him, stepping onto the boat as he gives them a small kick start. 

"You said four!" Dustin says to them, and Steve shrugs, apologizing to him as they row away.

"Bedtime at nine, kiddos! Miss you already." Robin teases them, seeing their unamused faces getting further. 

As they were getting closer to the middle of the lake, the compass needle starts to spin faster. 

"Woah, slow down. Slow down, guys." Ronnie demanded, putting out her hand. 

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