Chapter 22

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She sits on the couch. I can feel her gaze rip through me. I don't dare move an inch. She hasn't acknowledged me yet so I'm not allowed to move.

I don't know how many minutes have gone by. She is still staring at me. Lee brings her the coffee. I have to say something.. Apologize? Beg? What should I do?

What can I do? I can go near her... maybe kiss her feet? I don't deserve that I don't deserve to kiss her sweet, beautiful feet. I need to say something... tell her how sorry I am.. Ask for forgiveness maybe?

I don't deserve forgiveness. But I have to. I'm already in a huge mess. I have to get up Some additional punishment won't hurt.. Actually I deserve it.

I get up. I know without permission. Walk towards her and kneel in front of her. My gaze on her feet. Her sweet little feet. I could kiss them all day and it won't be enough.

I start to find any courage, any strength left in me.. To speak..

"Mis- ah" was startled there for a sec but I figured out what happened.

She poured the hot coffee on my head. I kept still.

"Lee, get me a new one. And start making dinner."

"Yes mistress."

I have to... i-

"Mistress.. Please."

It happened so fast.. I couldn't get hold of it. In a sec she was up and her right foot was pressed across my cheek. My face hit the ground and my head struck too hard.

"I don't want to look at you. I don't want to hear you.. I don't want to feel you near me. Got it?"

"Yes miss." was all I could say. She lifted her foot back. I got up, turned around and walked up to my room.

For the next  few days, I went out after I heard the door close. After I was sure she went out of the house I came out. I did all my tasks and went back in right before she came home.

I just can't sit here. I have to talk to her, apologize. She needs to know how sorry I am.. how bad I feel. She needs to punish me.. I can't just sit here and do nothing. It's killing me. It's better if she kills me than this. 

I went out one day when she was home. I saw Lee in the kitchen.

"What are you doing?! Do you wanna get killed" -lee

" I know I know.. but I need to talk to her. I need to apologize. Take the punishment. ASK for punishment. Just help me please... " Lee was looking very skeptical. But he agreed. He told me she ordered coffee.. so when he takes it in he would ask if I can go inside to speak to her. I know it was a long shot and I'll probably get coffee-dumped again.. but I'll take the chances.

I was right outside the door when he went in..

LEE'S Pov:

I went in with her coffee.. she was working on her laptop..

"Mistress your coffee"

She was so busy.. "miss-"

"Ah yes yes.. keep it here." I did

I stood there for 2 seconds wondering how to start.

"what?!" She snapped me out of my Trance and the tray fell down.

"Miss actually um.. Ryan wanted-" I said as I picked up the tray.

"NO" she cut me off.

"But miss, he just wanted to talk if you could.."

"Lee. Stand here."

She pointed to a spot in front of her.

"Keep the tray aside. And slap yourself 100 times. 50 on the right cheek and 50 on the left." 

I was speechless. What was I getting punished for?? Was the coffee not good? Idk I just stood there..

"Do I have to repeat myself?"

I had no other option anyway..

"No miss" and there I was slapping myself on the cheeks.. it hurt but I didn't dare stop. I couldn't.. I knew she would increase the number.

After a 100 I stopped. She was still working.

"Come close" I knelt in front of her"


She slapped me so hard. A tear fell down my eye.

"This is how hard you are supposed to hit. Understood? "

"Yes ma'am"

"And from next time... a no means a no. Even If you ask 5 times it's going to be a no. Okay?"

Ahhh this was what it was about. I get it.. and I deserve it.

"Yes ma'am I'm sorry"

-Ryan's pov:

I feel guilty. He got punished because of me. He gets out of the room with his head down and tray in hand..


"Ryan please..."

" I know I'm so sorry.. "

" Just please from next time ask her on your own and take your punishments.. What do you even want to talk about? She said she doesn't want to speak to you."

" yeah I know.." I say " but I NEED to say how sorry I am. I can't just sit here. I know she's going to ignore me for a long time if I don't do anything."

"Just don't go right now.. you will get killed."

She was inside working all day. She came out during lunch when I went to my room.

At around 7.. she came out. Sat on the couch and ordered a coffee.

This was my chance. I know I'm not following yet another command. But I have to. I- I just want to say I'm sorry.

I came out and sat in front of her.. she was doing something on her phone.

"Mistress.. I know I'm not supposed to-"



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