Prime Ben x Reader - "I'm not letting you go"

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Now, let's start things off strong with some of that good old angst.

Y/n : Your name

Warnings: angst, smut, kinks, alternate reality, cursing

Word count: 2,533

Now let's start!

Ben's POV

'Man, what a day. I can finally relax after all that weird ass trouble for the past couple of weeks. But I can't help but worry about Y/n. She looks fine, but.....

Her eyes....

They seem....

Dull and lifeless.....

Like she saw something she wished she didn't. But maybe I'm looking too deep into this, what if she's just tired? Man!!! When did I start getting these weird feelings??? Sheesh!'

*knock knock*

Who could that be at this hour? I pull myself out of bed and head to the door. I unlock and open it to find...

"Y/n?" My eyes look at her in confusion before they widen in shock. She's dressed in a tank top and short shorts. But that wasn't even what shocked me. What shocked me was her eyes.

They looked pained and overwhelmed.

I may be a guy with urges, but I know when to put that aside for one of the closest people I have in my life.

I wordlessly pull her inside and lock the door. I pull her to sit beside me on my bed and lock eyes with her in a serious stare. "What happened? Did someone hurt you?"

She shook her head and said, "I'm just checking in on you. That's all. I always know that you have a lot of thoughts during these hours at night. You know, I'm the little sunshine in the room-"

"Don't give me that shitty excuse!" I cut her off.

She looks at me quite startled. Probably because this is the first time I've ever raised my voice AT her.

She reeled herself back from her previous thoughts and responded with, "What? What the heck are you talking about, Ben? Are you okay? Do you need me to leave? I'll leave if you just need some alone time." She even quirked her eyebrows in confusion and concern to seal the deal of being genuine.

But I knew better than that.

I knew that she has been faking her actions for the past few weeks. Ever since she came back from Dimension X, she has been avoiding spending time with any of us. Her friends. It was only a few days ago that she started reconnecting with us like what she did never even happened. We all asked her why she did that and what caused it, but then she said that she was busy with another mission the elders had assigned her. A total legit reason if it weren't for the fact that I talked with the ninjas' sensei that there was no such thing and it must've been from what ACTUALLY happened on her mission.

Regardless of her reasons, I still couldn't help but get angry. We all trust her with our lives and love her. Either romantically or platonically, we all love and admire her for her heart of gold and her caring nature. And yet, she still puts up these barriers between us and her for the sake of "protection." Me and her for the sake of "ensuring that I stay alive to save the multiverse with the rest of the heroes."

And in that blinding anger, I did the only thing that made sense in that second.

I grabbed her wrists and pinned her down to my bed with myself hovering over her and knee in between her legs.

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