Worried Prime Ben x oblivious reader - "I was just worried about you"

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Warnings: just a smidge of angst, fluff, a little reference (if you spot it I'm gonna scream😆)

Word count: 1,022

Y/n's POV

Another mission completed and this was no ordinary mission either. It was regarding the whole Albedo trying to get his Galvin form back, but then we stopped him yada yada stuff. That's cool.

However, what made this different was the fact that he was given the opportunity to go through a rehabilitation process. In other words, he can change to become a person on the good side. Now that's interesting, but in a different way.

Magister Tennyson assigned ME to watch over him and teach him how to be good.

*Deep inhale*

"WHATTTT??!!" I yelled out followed by Ben, Gwen, Kevin, and Rook.

Magister Tennyson (Ben's grandpa) flinched from the volume and cleared his throat.

"Yes Y/n, you heard that right. I'm asking you to help change Albedo for the better." He finished.

I was beyond shocked and everyone can tell from my bulging eyes and my shocked expression. But before I could utter out a response, Ben beat me to it.

"But Grandpa! Why Y/n?! Isn't it unsafe for her? For all we know, Albedo could just be planning something to get back at us and oh I don't know, kidnap her?!" He protested with clear distrust towards Albedo and worry for me in his eyes.

"Usually, I don't agree with Ben, but he's right. Grandpa, we just captured him. Why don't we just wait a couple months to see if he's trustworthy with other Plumbers before we can get him to befriend civilians outside." Gwen added on to what Ben said, especially since this does concern one of her closest friends.

"I agree." Rook backed up Gwen's words. Followed by Kevin with a response, "Yeah, this might be dangerous for Y/n to handle."

I felt really touched by my friends' concerns for me. My heart can't take it.>~<

What brought me back to reality were Magister Tennyson's words, "Guys, I know that you all are worried for your friend," he glanced at me, "but don't forget she has been fighting alongside us just like the rest of you, maybe even longer. Besides, maybe her gentle nature is just what Albedo needs to soften a bit." I was speechless.

Of course, he would mention that. I've always done well in battle and around the alien criminals we've been dealing with. You see, I'm a meta human that can automatically turn things into weapons I can use in battle. Sure, I'm known for being gentle and soft spoken, but there's a lot more to me than meets the eye. So I've been told before, I guess.

"Ok. I'll do it." Everyone's eyes widened at my words.

"Thank you Y/n. We'll bring him to you next week for a good start and we'll even send you some files pertaining to information you'll need to know for what's expected. And Y/n," I raised my eyebrows signaling for him to continue,"don't worry. This will work out." He finished with a smile.

I smiled back and nodded. "Ok, I trust you and everyone else." With that he patted my head and I proceeded to walk away with everyone else.

As everyone was about to open their mouths and convince me to change my mind, I cut them all off with my words.

"Guys, I know you all are worried for me, but maybe this can do a lot of good for Albedo. To make sure he changes for the better. Won't that be wonderful?" I finish with a soft close-eyed smile.

Gwen aww'd and rushed to hug me and said, "Y/n, you're lucky you're so cute." Rook stepped in and said, "Miss Y/n, please just be careful, ok?" I nodded with a smile. Kevin spoke up, "Jeez, looks like I'll have to trust you in this one." He ruffled my hair causing me to grumble out a 'hey!'

We all looked at Ben and he just walked away avoiding eye contact with us. All the while ignoring our calls for him.


The day finally came and I was ready, while waiting for the plumbers to drop Albedo off at my home. We agreed that since this was the first time he would be with me, we'd just stay at my house for the entire time. I had no problem with that. In fact, I was kind of excited to spend some time with him.

While setting everything up for what we're gonna do, I hear the doorbell ring. I got up and opened the door to see...

"Ben? What are you doing here?" I was surprised to see him. He looked the usual, except with a frown on his face.

"Y/n...I'm sorry about last week. I was just worried about you." He looked down at me with his brows furrowed and a barely noticeable tint of red on his cheeks. 'Weird. Maybe I'm just seeing things.'

I smiled and proceeded to hug him. He froze for a minute, but then he eventually melted into the warmth. I pulled back with a smile, by saying, "It's ok to feel worried, you know? That just means you care about me. Just make sure you remember that I can defend myself too if things were to take a turn." I finish with a smile and a slight tilt of my head.

Ben took a breath in and sighed. "Alright, I trust you. I'm gonna head to Mr. Smoothies to meet up with Rook. I'll see ya later." With that he started walking off.

"Bye Ben. Take care." I waved at him with a gentle smile. He saw and waved back. Then, he left.

Ben's POV

When I was finally far away enough from her house, I took a deep breath. 'Man, have I fallen deep. And she's still cute even when she's oblivious!' I thought with a wistful expression. 'Y/n, if you knew the things you do to me, would you...snap out of it! Ughhh, I gotta find Rook.'


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