Mad Ben x Snappy Reader (period) AU- "Shut up!"

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Hey guys and gals! I know that this is the first time that I'm doing a Mad Ben one shot so let me explain.

This dude is a 50/50 for me because of his completely different personality and his thick accent. But him being a tyrannical and stuck up dick just coz he has the omnitrix??? Nope, he can just die!🤣 (I love Bakugou too much, but ANYWAY.)

I thought about mixing things up here and there and trying new ideas out. However, I would never want to write about Kevin. He belongs to Gwen and I freaking stan for them! I love their dynamic too much.😩

So yeah! Comment, follow me, save and vote and let's dive right in!🙃

Warnings: cursing, angst, suggestive themes, fluff

Word count: 2,126



Vibrant orange.

Golden yellow.

Dusty brown.

Crimson red.

Those were the colors that plagued the entire landscape and its vegetation. The cool winds pick them up with ease as they all travel to unknown locations during this season.

People were seen walking around, kids were seen playing on top of the leaf piles, teens were seen lounging around on picnic blankets or hanging out, and elderly couples were seen sitting together on benches with their hands intertwined.

The weather was breezy, the ambience was calming, and the company was well appreciated. Everyone was enjoying their time together.

Well everyone, except for you that is.

Of course like every other girl during puberty, you had to suffer through the menstrual cycle.

Or the period.

Or simply called the most hellish time of the month for every female that was forced to endure it just because they didn't get pregnant.

"Ughhh..." I groaned to myself clutching my stomach as my body was in a fetal position under the warm covers of my own bed.

My stomach felt bloated and the uncomfortable feelings won't stop. You know that feeling from when it feels like you're peeing, but you have no control over it? Exactly.

That's exactly what it is with those damn periods and mini diapers we're forced to use!

I felt like crap, my thighs hurt, my head aches, and I'm craving a mountain of sweets; but I feel really weak!

"Why must this happen to me...?" I whined out pathetically, but the whines soon turned to sobs because of my chaotic hormones.

My thoughts drifted to my insecurities, failures, and then to the constant pesters of Mad Ben. His words and actions that constantly annoyed and bothered me like a parasite that feeds on my pain. I started to cry more at the irony of the situation.

All of a sudden, my stomach grumbled. Loudly. My sobs turned into growls and the irritation replaced my sorrow quickly in this situation.

Right when I was about to get up and drag myself downstairs, a portal suddenly manifested in my room.

My eyes widened and I started to chant with hope in my head.

'Please be Ben, please be Ben, please be Ben...' were the words that I kept repeating in my head.

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