Author's Note

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Hey guys, it's been a while. I was gone for a long while because of writer's block and school being really busy and time consuming. Anyway, the second to the final chapter was just me wanting to segway into making a new book. I'm still figuring out the details and stuff but I'm still torn between making it a oneshots book or a full on story. I don't know but it will be settled eventually.🤔

AND. While it's still in the works, I want to take this time to thank you all for supporting and reading my content. If I'm not mistaking and my laptop is not jacked up, then I'd say this book is past 1k reads and is halfway to 2k? But seriously, it's really amazing and🙂 🙃

I started this book when I was bored one night and was imagining a lot of scenarios each minute. Then, I made everything with the idea I had of wanting to release my creative flow and just do it. It got more fun and people started to get into it. Crazy hijinks, sweet moments, and steamy storylines later, we're here at this official ending. It's so surreal.😅😭

For future content, just know that even if I get super busy and updates slow down really badly, ya'll are amazing and that I would still try my best to get things on the air whenever I could.😙

Thanks for everything. Watch out for the next book coming up. This book "Ben 10 x Reader Oneshots" is officially over.😌

Aaaaand... Don't forget to read, save, vote, comment, and follow me! You know the drill!:)))😄 😁 😆 😅

See ya next time! Chow!🙂

Ben 10 x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now