Nega Ben x Scared Gamer Reader - "There's nothing wrong with this."

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Oh boy, Nega Ben! You either love him or you're indifferent to him. Either way, he's definitely OOC in this one mostly because I haven't seen him in a LOOOONG while and I want the nice feels, I guess???😅

Please note that there are some references to video games and stuff. I'm not very accurate in that department, because I'm not THAT much of a gamer but I'm still gonna try my best to replicate the jargon and make it understandable😅

There will also be a school shooting scene. I'm not romanticizing the concept of shootings, okay? I'm just writing a scenario about how a specific character would act in a certain situation with the reader. In no way am I actually downplaying real world tragedies and situations just for the sake of creating a romantic scene. I'm just thought that I needed to thoroughly clarify this.😶

On a lighter and a completely different topic, WE'RE ALMOST AT A HUNDRED READS!!! WHAT?! I feel happy that people seem to kind of enjoy what I write. I'm thankful for everyone here😊 I just hope we can continue onwards and upwards. Thank you and back to the story!🙃

Warnings: School shooting, lime, implied lemon

Word count: 2,500


In an average city named Bellwood, a gentle rain shower swept upon it. It started out as a small drizzle soaking up the pavements and buildings, until it started to progressively increase in intensity.

There sat a small apartment near the east side of the city. In the bedroom of Room 29, was a teen named Y/n L/n.

The teen was wearing a f/c hoodie with black leggings. She was lounging around on her stomach atop her bed while playing Pokémon Sun and Moon on her Nintendo 3DS. There were stacks of video games in a pile beside her bed with varying consoles ready for when she needs them.

Your POV

"Ah, this is the life." I breathed out on my stomach slithering my hand into a bowl of potato chips on the floor. I popped a chip into my mouth without taking my eyes off the bright screen. My left hand held the console while the other fed me.

"Yes! Get ready Kahunas! The legendary master is here!"

I shouted into the air ready to explore the island and locate the next Kahuna that would bring me closer to my end goal-to become the Alola League Champion.

I slurped on the long swirly straw of my f/d that was placed on the floor in front of me a good distance away from the bed and from anyone walking by.

Everything about this is just perfect.

Snacks? Check. 
Drinks? Check.
Air conditioning? Check.
Cold weather? Check.
Comfy clothes? Check.
Stacks of video games? Check.

I just love being on my own with my games, you know? No one to please, many people to troll, and games to play and experience.

Real life can be a really big buzzkill. At my school, I'm often ignored for being a gamer. There are some bullies here and there, but they pick on everyone so it's not just me. Thank god.

The teachers are mean and don't really care about us unless we're (a) at the top of the class or (b) at the center of attention to get more donors invested into our school. Tch. Talk about bias.

Although, it's not THAT bad. I oftentimes converse with my fellow gamers and geeks during lunch, because that's when all the fun begins with our cheesy shouts of excitement and our overbearing logic rants that would bore anyone else. And...

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