Albedo x reader - "What's wrong with being nice?"

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Heya! This chapter is a kinda like a continuation of the previous chapter, but this time I'm focusing on Albedo. He's a bit hard to write and I guess a little OOC, okay A LOT OOC. But meh. He's still cute in my eyes😊

H/c - hair color

Warnings: fluff, comfort

Word Count: 1,633

Y/n's POV

After that whole ordeal with Ben was over, I just lounged on the couch and started watching TV. After an hour or two, a knock came on the door. I got up and opened it to see 3 plumber workers dropping off Albedo at the doorstep. They saluted to me, while I did the same. The one in the middle started talking,

"Hello Ms. Y/n, we're here with Albedo. Please contact us if he were to misbehave." I nodded and said, "Noted. Take care on your trip back to HQ."

The tallest one responded with a, "Thanks Y/n, will do." Then, they left.

I ushered Albedo inside and gestured to the couch for him to sit. He silently complied and just sat there trying to avoid eye contact with me.

Noticing this, I sat and put a hand on his shoulder. He flinched a bit, but he didn't shrug it off. I started talking.

"You don't have to be uncomfortable around me, right? I may be a stranger, but it doesn't have to be like that." I finished with a smile, trying to get him to open up to me.

He cleared his throat. "My apologies Ms. Y/n, it simply cannot be helped. Especially not after what transpired between your friends and myself over the many occurrences of us meeting. I..." He paused to swallow. I urged him with a gentle pat on the shoulder and a hand gesture for him to breathe.

With that, he looked me directly in the eye with a determined scowl and asked, "Why are you doing this? Is there something you wish to gain from this?"

I blinked at the questions and countered with, "What do you mean?"

His scowl deepened and he started to grow impatient, "Don't act innocent with me, human. There must be a reason as to why I was placed in your care right after being captured last week. Magister Tennyson doesn't trust me one bit, and yet he placed me in the care of a petite human of all people. Why?" He finished with a glare.

It was at that moment, I had to take a few breaths in order to calm myself or else I would snap at him. I then looked at him with glossed eyes and a weak smile. This had taken him aback. Though before he could say something, I finally started to respond,

"Look, I know that I look weak to you, but don't underestimate me. There's more to someone than meets the eyes. Second, Magister Tennyson asked me to take care of you because of my personality. After all, I'm supposed to teach you how to be a good person. Also, I don't necessarily get anything out of doing this. I just want to help you on your fresh start."

At my words, he looked startled and conflicted, like he couldn't have predicted my words. He responded,

"Why...why are you being so nice to me? I cannot fathom or come up with a reason as to why you would do this." I just sighed and said, "What's wrong with being nice? I'm just doing what my heart and mind are telling me to do. I'm just doing what I know is right. It shouldn't be that complicated, but if it is that way to you, then ask me questions along the way. You'll eventually get it." I smiled at him.

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