May's POV

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I am still regaining my balance when I finally catch up with Xavier and Mark

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I am still regaining my balance when I finally catch up with Xavier and Mark. They have not managed to find anything resourceful. I don’t understand how in an entire neighborhood, there is not one witness. Someone must have heard or seen something. Jean’s murder is not the kind that happens quietly, and within minutes. Whoever is committing these heinous crimes is very patient with the process. He takes his time and does what he does without any worry in the world. And given the fact that there are no signs of break-ins in the victim’s house, she had to have let him in.
“So the agent says he left his office around quarter past seven, and came back early the following morning. His office was broken into, which is how the killer managed to get a hold of the CCTV recording and delete it.” Xavier explains before I can even ask. The exhaustion is visible around his eyes. I sigh as I let this information settle in.
“Have you interviewed all the neighbors?’ I ask.
“All but one; Mrs. Jamison. I guess she is not in.” Mark responds, staring at the house in question.
“Give me a moment…” I say as I excuse myself from the two. They might be feeling like they hit a wall with this investigation, but for some reason I do not share in their low spirits. I make my way through the houses and small groups of neighbors, to the neighbor of the absent individual.
“Hey, excuse me could I ask you a question?” I ask the woman standing on her porch. She nods in response.
“Have you seen your neighbor today?” I pose my question. She squints her eyes as if trying to remember before answering;
“I think so why?”
“Do you happen to know whether she left?” I ask. I have no grounds really; all I am trying to do is establish whether or not the old woman is in and asleep or out. Although this is a far-fetched, she could be that someone who knows something I keep looking for.
“Her car is still in the driveway.” The lady responds, motioning towards the car with her chin, and giving me an inquisitive look. To her, the answer seems pretty obvious.
“She a loner or something?” I ask. Perhaps she seeks to distance herself from all that is happening. If this were the case, we cannot force her to talk to us seeing as she is not under any suspicion.
“Oh no. It’s actually the other way round. Try her again.” She responds and with a nod and a smile, I walk towards Mrs. Jamison’s house.

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