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After following every single lead, Xavier and Mark are starting to worry the case is going cold. Nothing seems to add up, and even worse, the cold blooded killer seems to have become inactive. While this may be a good thing, Mark feels his inactivity could be foreshadowing some serious problems in future.
"Perhaps he left town." Xavier suggests, staring at the board. Even the information on there is wanting. Mark scratches his beard in utter frustration.
"Now that would be something wouldn't it?" He responds, walking towards the board, his gaze fixated on one character, Jeremy.
"That guy? Seriously?" Xavier questions, disbelief clearly displayed on his face. "Did you see that guy?" He asks further.
"That mindset is exactly why people get away with crimes."
"What mindset?" Asks Xavier, scornfully so.
"That people who look like that, people who seem to have their lives together are incapable of committing crime. There's something off about that guy, and we'll find out exactly what."
In the next five minute, the two cops are speeding off to Jeremy's house. While Xavier is completely occupied by the fries he's shoving into his face, Mark's mind is wandering off to the different crime scenes the killer left them. Perfect little gifts and not much to work with. He is toying with them, hi e must like it. And Jeremy, he thinks, he claimed his wife and kids ran off, how then was he still so clean and organized? His house was nearly cleaner that his own, and his wife is still around.
"Nothing, just thinking." Mark responds absent mindedly shaking his head.
"Are you really so oblivious?"
"Mark, come on. I can't read your every thought. Can barely read my girlfriend's."
"Wonder how you got into this line of work." Mark says dismissively while parking. He barely has the strength to criticise his partner some more after noticing the 'For Sale' sign hanging loosely on the door.
"Son of a bitch! He moved."

Dearest gentle reader ❤️
Remember to vote... promise to write more chapters and finish soon🫶

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