Third Person's POV

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Lex is disappointed with himself as he returns to his office. He is disappointed that he went to May's office in the first place. He has been doing a great job of controlling his impulses. He has to, he needs to, for Elis. And just as the thought crosses his mind, she walks into his office. She looks tired.
"Hey baby." Lex greets her as he turns around to hug her. She collapses in his arms, and sighs heavily. Nothing feels better.
"Hey." She responds as she pulls away. They stare into each other's eyes.
"How are we feeling?" He asks, walking her to the couch. "Here...sit down. You look like you need it."
"We, are doing okay. Can you not worry so much all the time?" She asks.
"It is in my job description." Lex counters proudly.  He continues;  "Did the old man cave?"
"Not yet. He is adamant he wants that particular piece.  And the neighbors formed a council and hired a big ass lawyer. I don't know how we will acquire that land." Elis explains. Slowly,  Lex sits himself next to his girlfriend and clears his throat then says gently;
", don't you think you should let it go?  I'm sure Maxim can get someone else on the case can't he?"
Elis gazes back hesitantly at her boyfriend, thoughts racing in her mind. How does she explain to him that it is not that easy? While she thinks this, Lex raises one eyebrow in question.
"I'll think about it babe." She responds, and gets on her feet. "I have to get home and ready. I have a business meeting." She adds.
"With Maxim?" Lex asks as he too gets on his feet and closer to her, out of sheer curiosity. 
"We're trying to buy out one of his partners. I can help him with persuasion."
"Lex, I promised to think about it. Can I atleast do that?" She asks impatiently. Lex nods hesitantly as Elis places a tinny kiss on his lips.
"Oh! Sorry...sorry." May says from the door before scattering away in sheer embarrassment.

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