The Investigation

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“Why kill her? Unless she saw his face, and he feared she would identify him.” Mark says, while staring at their evidence board.
“He’s following the news.” Xavier adds.
“But it was not on the news that we would be scouring the area. How would he know that?” Mark asks.
“He is watching you” a detective who has been listening in from the other end of the office responds. He adds; “He is watching from a close enough distance to know where you are, how much progress you are making if at all. He is playing a game.”
Mark gets on his feet, head in his palms, sighing heavily. He wonders what they are missing. There has to be something that can help them catch this killer. So far, he has been careful enough not to leave any traces of evidence. This has made the investigation process complex, and tiring.
“The only pattern I can see is that all victims are independent women, who live alone. This could mean he stalks them for quite some time, determines these facts and then decides to act…” Xavier explains before Mark cuts him in.
“There…” he says while holding his hands up, as if trying to stop everything, including time. He continues; “Right there…that’s the key we need.”
“Care to share with the rest of the class?” Xavier asks impatiently.
“You said he stalks his victims, and we know that Jean although similar to the others, was not killed following quite the same pattern, which means…?” he poses for Xavier to ask, while rolling his hands in cue. In response however, Xavier raises his right eyebrow, his impatience increasing.
Rolling his eyes in exasperation, Mark continues with his explanation; “He did not exactly stalk this victim. According to her sister, she had left her place that same day. This means whoever killer her, and the other woman is someone she either met, or who saw and followed her on that day.”
Catching on, Xavier gets on his feet, folds his arms and starts pacing around the room. And then, as if on cue, he exclaims; “He was at the airport!”
“Exactly.” Mark states, and within minutes, they are both out the door and into the street, heading for the airport.

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