She Said Yes!

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Even work feels better today. He was not confident she would agree to a date, and now that she has he cannot stop grinning. Life has been awfully lonely for him those past couple of months since Kim. That woman really turned his life upside down. For the first time in a long time, David was cornered.  He has not stopped thinking about how she got away, and whether he would ever find her. He doesn't even know what he might do should he find her. The love he felt for her was real. In the beginning it wasn't, but over time she and David became inseparable.  Unfortunately, Kim according to him is Shrewed. And he was unable to tame her, which unfortunately resulted in him loosing her, and not in the way he would have wanted.
Now, as he sits there watching his client get settled, he cannot help but celebrate the fact that he has found one better. May is perfect. Maybe she can tame him, and he she.
"So we separated.  And I moved out." His client starts almost unannounced.
"Way to start the day Mr's Pearson." David responds, casually throwing one foot over the other. She smiles wryly in return.
"What happened?" David queries.
"I couldn't take it anymore. He is unbearable."
"What changed? "
"What do you mean?"
"Why did you crack?" David asks and then adds, "Is it something specific he did?"
Mr's Pearson shifts uncomfortably in her chair. As she does so,  David takes note of her clothing today. She is wearing a white silk top which does not leave much to imagination.  She's also wearing a short skirt with a small slit in the front so that when she sits,  it falls on her lap. She is also either subconsciously or intentionally brushing her fingers against the exposed skin. David trails his eyes from her lap through her exposed cleavage to her face. She's  watching him and he wants to smirk at how nasty she is. Maybe she is just lonely.
"I tried to reason with him but he refuses to see things from other perspectives." She finally responds.
"How did the separation make you feel?"
"Liberated. I should have left sooner." She responds.
"You disagree?" She questions, confusion and worry registering on her face.
"No." David responds, scribbling something down.
Deep down, he is displeased with his client. He is disappointed she did not try hard enough.  In their last meeting,  he suggested that she tag him along for a session. That way they could work on their issues together. They did not have to separate. And now she sits here and says that they did.

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